601 – 800 of 1259

NineStreame - Template blogger streaming. Tema ini apik dan bersih, serta UX/UI yang memukau membuat pengunjung semakin betah dan lama menonton.
Dikemas dengan fitur standar untuk membuat situs anime streaming idamanmu.

Tema ini menggunakan system unipost yang artinya semua episode tercantum dalam satu post. Ini tentunya berbeda dari system multi post, yang memisahkan post series dan episode.

Membuat template streaming tidaklah mudah, prosesnya rumit, perlu dana, tenaga, dan pikiran.
Jika kalian merasa tema ini layak dapat dukungan, kirim bantuan kalian dengan membeli lisensi tema ini.

Fungsi utama template ini adalah untuk streaming hasil terjemahan sendiri atau orang lain. Apabila sumber videonya dari fansub maka wajib mencantumkan credit.

Cara membuat post

Simak baik baik bagian ini, karena bagian ini merupakan kunci untuk mencapai ranking SEO tinggi. Terutama bagian Pemalink, Judul, Deskripsi
Seluruh proses penyuntingan post wajib memakai HTML View.


Pengaturan permalink ada di Post > Setelan entry > Link > Permalink Khusus
Permalink adalah permanent link, contoh:

Yang ingin aku fokuskan adalah url setelah tanggal, bagian ini: demon-slayer-kimetsu-no-yaiba.html. Tipsnya adalah semakin pendek permalink semakin bagus tetapi tetap tidak menghilangkan makna linknya. Permalink blogger dibuat dengan memasukkan singkatan judul di Permalink Khusus letaknya di sidebar kanan pengaturan post.

Cara membuat permalink adalah dengan membuat singkatan dari judul yang panjang seperti: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Entertainment District Arc
Karena judulnya terlalu panjang kita ambil bagian yang penting saja: Kimetsu Yaiba Entertainment Arc.
Perhatikan kalimat no dan District tidak dimasukkan untuk mempersingkat judul. Permalink yang bagus:

Contoh permalink yang jelek:

Buatlah permalink yang tidak membingungkan search engine dan user, mudah dibaca dan dipahama. Copy singkatan judul lalu paste dan publish

Label yg valid

Hampir semua support label genre, kalau masih kurang silahkan input manual dalam <b:includable id='genrePost'>

Penulisan label selalu diawali huruf kapital. Adapun untuk label khusus, gunakan panduan label di bawah ini:


Syarat dan ketentuan

tidak boleh di jual uang

Random Tutorial

Requst dari komentar berupa konstumisasi khusus atau yang tutorial lainnya.


Multi Tab Video Streaming
Rating Bintang Blogger
Countdown Timer
Homepage Image Slider
Random Post Simple Image
Version Release date Downloads Perubahan
v1.0 Box 0 Changes
= v1.0 =
Fitur NineStream Lite
  • Filter Search
  • Schedule
  • Filter Search
  • Slider auto play
  • Bookmark
  • Multi tab random post
= Berkas ZIP =
  • Folder page
  • post.format.xml
  • NineStreame_Lite_v1.0.xml
  • NineStream.jpg
  • download.button.xml
  • countdown.xml
dev aku pake ini <div class='mu-e gtc-raf g-var hfeed'>
<b:loop index='i' values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:include cond='data:post.labels any ( l =&gt; l.name in [&quot;Rilis&quot;] )' data='post' name='thumbList'/>

supaya post yang hanya berlebel rilis tampil di beranda [Screenshot] napilinyakan 10 post
tapi kalo ada post di atasnya [Screenshot] yang belum ada lebel rilis ko jadi 9

gimana caranya supaya kalo ada post di atas yang belum berlebel rilis itu tampilan di berandanya tetep 10 thanks...😍
<b:includable id='multiHeader'>
<div class='bc-2c2'>
<section class='max-w mx-auto px-calc105 py-09 grid gtc-1fra area-nhpb'>
<nav class='breadcrumb flex aic a-n'>
<a class='mr-5 c-959 tdn' href='/'>Home</a>
<svg class='mr-5' style='width:18px;height:18px' viewBox='0 0 24 24'>
<path d='M8.59,16.58L13.17,12L8.59,7.41L10,6L16,12L10,18L8.59,16.58Z' fill='currentColor'/>
<strong>Direktori search</strong>
<h1 class='fs-xl c-fff m-0 a-h'>Direktori search</h1>
<p class='a-p'>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.:0</p>
<b:include name='sMedia'/>

><b:includable id='sMedia'>
<ul class='s-media flex aic lsn p-0 jcsb m-0 py-09 a-u'>
<a class='flex aic c-fff tdn' href='#'>
<svg class='c-fff' viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='M0 0h24v24H0z' fill='none'/><path d='M14 13.5h2.5l1-4H14v-2c0-1.03 0-2 2-2h1.5V2.14c-.326-.043-1.557-.14-2.857-.14C11.928 2 10 3.657 10 6.7v2.8H7v4h3V22h4v-8.5z'/></svg>
<div class='lhn'><span class='block text-075 c-959 fw-700'>Like fanspage</span>Facebook</div>
<a class='flex aic c-fff tdn' href='#'>
<svg class='c-fff' viewBox='0 0 24 24' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='M0 0h24v24H0z' fill='none'/><path d='M10.076 11c.6 0 1.086.45 1.075 1 0 .55-.474 1-1.075 1C9.486 13 9 12.55 9 12s.475-1 1.076-1zm3.848 0c.601 0 1.076.45 1.076 1s-.475 1-1.076 1c-.59 0-1.075-.45-1.075-1s.474-1 1.075-1zm4.967-9C20.054 2 21 2.966 21 4.163V23l-2.211-1.995-1.245-1.176-1.317-1.25.546 1.943H5.109C3.946 20.522 3 19.556 3 18.359V4.163C3 2.966 3.946 2 5.109 2H18.89zm-3.97 13.713c2.273-.073 3.148-1.596 3.148-1.596 0-3.381-1.482-6.122-1.482-6.122-1.48-1.133-2.89-1.102-2.89-1.102l-.144.168c1.749.546 2.561 1.334 2.561 1.334a8.263 8.263 0 0 0-3.096-1.008 8.527 8.527 0 0 0-2.077.02c-.062 0-.114.011-.175.021-.36.032-1.235.168-2.335.662-.38.178-.607.305-.607.305s.854-.83 2.705-1.376l-.103-.126s-1.409-.031-2.89 1.103c0 0-1.481 2.74-1.481 6.121 0 0 .864 1.522 3.137 1.596 0 0 .38-.472.69-.871-1.307-.4-1.8-1.24-1.8-1.24s. 1.513.452a7.06 7.06 0 0 0 2.664.01 6.666 6.666 0 0 0 1.491-.451c.36-.137.761-.337 1.183-.62 0 0-.514.861-1.862 1.25.309.399.'/></svg>
<div class='lhn'><span class='block text-075 c-959 fw-700'>Join channel</span>Discord</div>

Where can I see these?
dev akukan pake lebel lock ni buat nampilin ini [Screenshot] tapi pas masuk nampilinnya ini [Screenshot] bisa enggak pas masuk nampilinya ini [Screenshot]

aku pake kode ini <b:include cond='data:view.isPost and data:post.labels none ( l =&gt; l.name in [&quot;Lock&quot;] )' data='post' name='post'/>
<b:include cond='data:view.isPost and data:post.labels any (l =&gt; l.name == &quot;Lock&quot;)' data='post' name='postLock'/>
punya saran gak dev thanks
Memang begitu, code yg km paste itu memang menghasilkan postingan kosong, tapi kalau ingin nambah fitur login, pastekan code loginnya di dalam id='postLock'.
Tentunya, langkah selanjutnya seperti menambahkan dan skrip login di dalam id='postLock'.
I am trying to use Google Sheets as a database with this login system. I want to collect the user's browser name, device name, IP address, country, region, city name, and the 'time' of login in Google Sheets. By doing this, if multiple individuals use the same account, it will be easy to understand and take measures to prevent it (by canceling the account).

I am trying to know the user's location without permission. But the problem is that it asks for the user's permission before receiving location input automatically.

I am trying.
Jadwal otomatis kan? Yang pakai label Senin Selasa dst...?
Skripnya ada di tema, yg aku share itu salah skrip.
Nanti aku share linknya, ini lagi install laptop, sudah 5 kali gagal melulu.
Hadeh pusing, installnya pada lama lagi, sekitar 2 jam lebih.
Copy dan paste tema pembersih cache dulu, simpan dan refresh blogmu, kalau blank artinya berhasil. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wernayasa/Theme/main/ZeistManga%20V5/CLEAN%20CODE%20(for%20clearing%20blogger%20cache).xml
Terus, setelah itu baru di upload tema NineStream, kalau masih error, metode pakai copy paste.
I have received a script for running advertisements before videos from Dayat.id. The advertisement can be skipped after a specified time before the start of the video, see demo . Since our website hosts on the Blogger and the videos are hosted on another server, we cannot run advertisements in the middle of the video. However, we can run video advertisements without sound on the side or in the corner of the video at certain intervals during the video playback.

Now I will work on implementing this feature.

Do you want to see this feature?
Quote: Please code for nsfw BUTTON dropdown. [Dropdown menu only.]
I tried to copy but it didn't work
I delete your comment because unclose html tag you put in. Its breaking my comment section. Every HTML tag need to be parser before you put in comment section.
Try add this flowbite script above </body>: <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/flowbite/1.6.5/flowbite.min.js"></script>
When it is not possible to run it on Blogger, I will host it on my own server.

I want entrepreneurs to be able to validate their plans at low cost. And it should provide the opportunity to see whether their plan is succeeding or failing. If it seems to be failing, they can stop here, reducing the entrepreneur's losses. And if it succeeds, gradually it will move to their own server.
This is a good work, can I try it on my personal blog? I just want to try it on a private blog. Although this will not be used, but I really appreciate your work, can I try it? if possible, tell me how Although this will not be used, but I really appreciate your work, can I try it? if possible, tell me how
Watch the advertisement [demo]. When you click on this video, it will take you to the sponsor's link.

As an example, I will provide the first video at 5 seconds, the second video at 27 seconds, the third video at 40 seconds, and the fourth video at 120 seconds. If you want to watch these videos, click on them, and you will be taken to the specific links.
I also don't know why this forum doesn't give us freedom of expression, if many topics are removed, this is not worthy of being called a forum.

Is there another way for us to talk to each other about this? do you have a separate forum?
Lol. blame it on Blogger. Blogger has limitations for content storage and bandwidth per user account. Here are the key limitations:
Blog description: Maximum 500 characters.
Search Description: Maximum 150 characters.
Blog post description: Maximum 150 characters.
Number of blogs: Up to 100 blogs per account.
Image size (dimension): Images uploaded via post editor should be 1600px wide or high, larger images will be scaled down.
Length of blog title: Maximum 90 characters.
Subdomain name length: Maximum 37 characters.
Number of members/authors: 100 member invitations per blog.
Number of readers (for a private blog): Up to 100 per blog.
Number of posts: No limit.
Number of static pages: Up to 20 per blog.
Number of labels: Up to 5000 unique labels per blog.
Length of individual post: No limit.
Size of individual post: Very large posts may have limitations on multiple-post page size.
Number of labels per post: Up to 20 unique labels, combined length should not exceed 200 characters.
Number of comments: No limit.
Length of post filename: Maximum 39 characters (auto-generated from post title, truncated if necessary).
Comment length: Up to 4,096 characters per comment.
I installed a cookie consent on the blog to comply with the LGPD, but the javascript code doesn't seem to work... I believe that the cookies are already being captured by another code present in the html. Is there any way to fix this, so that consent is accepted first and then all cookies are stored?


/*! Javascript Cookie - v1.5.1
! function(e) {
var n;
if ( & quot;

function & quot; == typeof define & amp; & amp; define.amd) define([ & quot;jquery & quot;], e);
else if ( & quot; object & quot; == typeof exports) {
try {
n = require( & quot; jquery & quot;)
} catch (e) {}
module.exports = e(n)
} else {
var o = window.Cookies,
r = window.Cookies = e(window.jQuery);
r.noConflict = function() {
return window.Cookies = o, r
}(function(e) {
var n = /\+/g;

function o(e) {
return u.raw ? e : encodeURIComponent(e)

function r(e) {
return o(u.json ? JSON.stringify(e) : String(e))

function t(e, o) {
var r = u.raw ? e : function(e) {
0 === e.indexOf( & #039;"&# 039;) & amp; & amp;
(e = e.slice(1, -1).replace(/\\"/g, & #039;"&# 039;).replace(/\\\\/g, & quot;\\ & quot;));
try {
return e = decodeURIComponent(e.replace(n, & quot; & quot;)), u.json ? JSON.parse(e) : e
} catch (e) {}
return c(o) ? o(r) : r

function i() {
for (var e, n, o = 0, r = {}; o & lt; arguments.length; o++)
for (e in n = arguments[o]) r[e] = n[e];
return r

function c(e) {
return & quot;
[object Function] & quot; === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)
var u = function(e, n, f) {
if (arguments.length & gt; 1 & amp; & amp; !c(n)) {
if ( & quot; number & quot; == typeof(f = i(u.defaults, f)).expires) {
var s = f.expires,
a = f.expires = new Date;
a.setMilliseconds(a.getMilliseconds() + 864e5 * s)
return document.cookie = [o(e), & quot; = & quot;, r(n), f.expires ? & quot;;expires = & quot; + f.expires.toUTCString() : & quot; & quot;, f.path ? & quot;;path = & quot; + f.path : & quot; & quot;, f.domain ? & quot;;domain = & quot; + f.domain : & quot; & quot;, f.secure ? & quot;;secure & quot; : & quot; & quot;].join( & quot; & quot;)
for (var d, p = e ? void 0 : {}, l = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split( & quot;; & quot;) : [], m = 0, v = l.length; m & lt; v; m++) {
var g = l[m].split( & quot; = & quot;),
w = (d = g.shift(), u.raw ? d : decodeURIComponent(d)),
j = g.join( & quot; = & quot;);
if (e === w) {
p = t(j, n);
e || void 0 === (j = t(j)) || (p[w] = j)
return p
return u.get = u.set = u, u.defaults = {}, u.remove = function(e, n) {
return u(e, & quot; & quot;, i(n, {
expires: -1
})), !u(e)
}, e & amp; & amp;
(e.cookie = u, e.removeCookie = u.remove), u
Aku dukung km kalau mau belajar.
Cuman aku gk bisa najarin langsung, km harus baca dan praktek sendiri.
Untuk memulainya siapkan browser aja.
Tonton cara editing tema di browser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEF-HHzLXHY&t=1s Dari tahun 2023, caraku membuate tema sudah berubah.
Aku memakai Tailwind CSS dan Flowbite untuk mempercepat masa development.
was the script present on line 3461 of the NineStream index the infinite posts? since it is no longer in use, can it be removed?

<script>/*<![CDATA[*/ defer(function() { !function(t,e){t.InfiniteScroll=function(n){function r(t,n){return n=n||e,n.querySelectorAll(t)}function o(t){return void 0!==t}function a(t){return"function"==typeof t}function i(t,e){t=t||{};for(var n in e)t[n]="object"==typeof e[n]?i(t[n],e[n]):e[n];return t}function s(t,e,n){return o(t)?o(e)?void(o(n)?g[t][n]=e:g[t].push(e)):g[t]:g}function d(t,e){o(e)?delete g[t][e]:g[t]=[]}function l(t,e){if(o(g[t]))for...
There is no limit on posts here. Use this script <script src="http://www.wendycode.com/feeds/posts/summary?orderby=published&max-results=6&alt=json-in-script&callback=mycallback"></script> to give limit.It shows all level posts. I want to show 6 posts here and finally I want to give viewall button. Admin plz add style.
Your HTML markup is terrible.
I need proper HTML markup to make good design like this [Screenshot].
I want you to fix the few thing.
1. Add main-wrapper
2. Remove <hr> tag
3. Put label bellow img tag
<div class="main-wrapper">
<div class="wrapper">
<a href="">
<img src=""/>
The script below is causing the following error in the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'querySelector')

What is the function of this script? Can I remove it or will it cause problems in the template?
Its ok.
I cant styling them completely, there is no class on <p> tag: .wrapper {
border-radius: 10px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
padding: 0;
#blog-posts {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(220px, 1fr));
gap: 10px;
.dark-mode .wrapper {
border-color: #343434;
.post-info {
padding: 10px;
display: grid;
grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto;
.wrapper .labels {
position: absolute;
font-size: 12px;
left: 10px;
top: 10px;
background: white;
border-radius: 12px;
padding: 4px 5px;
You can fix the rest of it.
How to fix Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children in Google PageSpeed?

<div class="hentry play c:hover-eee" role="feed"> [...] <a class="block ofc relative poster r3 oh" href="...> [...] <h3 class="clamp oh tac mt-8">

I know that to fix it, just change the Headings, but the issue is that I can't find it in the editor... Actually, it's the title of the widgets:
<b:include name='widget-title'/>

I haven't figured out how to change that, bro...
You can customize it yourself by adding b:includable with id widget-title

HTML/JavaScript html widget example

//Versi Default
<b:widget id='HTML8' locked='false' title='Hello Word' type='HTML' visible='true'>
<b:widget-setting name='content'/>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:include name='widget-title'/>
<div class='widget-content'>

//Versi Custom
<b:widget id='HTML8' locked='false' title='Hello Word' type='HTML' visible='true'>
<b:widget-setting name='content'/>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:include name='widget-title'/>
<div class='widget-content'>
<b:includable id='widget-title'>
<h2 class='title'><data:title'/></h2>
[Screenshot] saya copy code template dari github dan paste ke edit html tapi pas di save tulisan nya begini min The new widget with id "Header2" is invalid, as the limit for the widgets of type Header has been exceeded.
Solusi nya bagaimana ya
GDPR Cookie Compliance only enforced on EU country's.
That why it won't showing on other country.
Its generated automatically by blogger, you can't change the text.

Use third party cookies if you want more control,
google it, there is plenty on internet.
I am trying to create a video player. I want to hide the video source from the developer.

But I am unable to hide the video source from the iframe resource.

Is there anyone who can help me with this
<div id="653b54663748346e686d3773536845" domain="vgembed.com" width="800" height="600"></div><script src="data:text/javascript;base64,dmFyIHA9ZG9jdW1lbnQuZ2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWUoInNjcmlwdCIpWzBdLGU9ZG9jdW1lbnQuY3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudCgic2NyaXB0IiksZD1kb2N1bWVudC5xdWVyeVNlbGVjdG9yKCJkaXZbZG9tYWluXSIpLmdldEF0dHJpYnV0ZSgiZG9tYWluIik7ZS5zcmM9Ii8vIitkKyIvYXNzZXRzL2pzL2xvYWQuanMiLHAuYWZ0ZXIoZSk7"></script>
601 – 800 of 1259

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You can use English or Indonesian

image quote pre code