3001 – 3200 of 3223

ZeistManga v5 - Versi ini merupakan versi terakhir, tapi bukan berarti saya berhenti mengupdatenya.
Update akan terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kestabilan dan penambahan fitur baru.

Ada beberapa code lama yang dihapus, jika kamu update dari versi 1-3, kemungkinan akan banyak yang tidak berfungsi. Juga penghapusan beberapa code yang tidak penting agar tema ini sedikit ramping. Mudah-mudahan tidak menimbulkan masalah.

v5.5 – 19 Februari 2024

  • Fixed - Perbaikan CSS, lupa apa yang diubah
  • New - Novel Mode (put label: Novel)
  • New - Related Post
  • New - Slider
  • New - BloggerScript 1.2
  • New - Pagination Series homepage
  • Remove - Hot Manga

Apa saja yang baru

  • Font fira sans
  • Back to top
  • History reading
  • Download chapter
  • Homepage layout mode
Reading History (Vu Tran)
Recent Post Blogger Widget 3
Random Post Slider // Dragable + Mouse Wheels
Script dari dagruel
Version Release date Downloads Perubahan
v5.2 Download 4 Changes
v5.1 Unavailable 3 Changes
v5.0 Unavailable Init Release
= v5.2 =
= Berkas ZIP =
  • bookmark.xml
  • post.format.xml
  • ZeistManga_v5.0.xml
min tolong check kenapa di web equal pada /search/label/ tidak bisa muncul? terus di search nya juga, bantu check. link web equal masih inget kan min? sorry ga bisa aku cantumin disini.
wah iyaaa, aku baru ingat telah menambahkan kode dibawah untuk memanggil icon svg dalam blogger

<b:includable id='link-icon'>
<svg class='line' viewBox='0 0 24 24'><path d='M8.18009 16.0199C7.42009 15.9499 6.6701 15.5999 6.0901 14.9899C4.7701 13.5999 4.7701 11.3199 6.0901 9.92989L8.2801 7.6299C9.6001 6.2399 11.7701 6.2399 13.1001 7.6299C14.4201 9.0199 14.4201 11.2999 13.1001 12.6899L12.0101 13.8399'/><path d='M15.8202 7.97998C16.5802 8.04998 17.3302 8.39998 17.9102 9.00998C19.2302 10.4 19.2302 12.68 17.9102 14.07L15.7202 16.37C14.4002 17.76 12.2302 17.76 10.9002 16.37C9.58016 14.98 9.58016 12.7 10.9002 11.31L11.9902 10.16'/><path d='M9 22H15C20 22 22 20 22 15V9C22 4 20 2 15 2H9C4 2 2 4 2 9V15C2 20 4 22 9 22Z'/></svg>

sudah ketemu masalahnya, terima kasih

Maksudumu warna background?
Perasaan gk ada warna biru di temaku.
Tambahkan label Series untuk menampilkan rekomendasi.
Ganti 2 code : <b:include data='post' name='threadedComments'/> dengan: <b:include data='post' name='Disqus'/>
Min bisa ga di buat ga ada space kosong (maksudnya judul,sinopsis dan gerennya auto panjanga/lebar) pas dilayar 767px kebawah lebar px dan di layar 768px di perkecil supaya tidak tabrakan dengan gambarnya(pas jadi 2 gambar, bagian judul,sinopsis dan genrenya malah tabrakan dengan gambarnya) [Screenshot] yg kiri 767px yg kanan 768px
Maksudnya jarak gambar (padding/margin) dengan deskripsi 5px, nanti bagian deskripsinya panjang/lebarnya auto/100% width layar hp/komputer gitu min,kan kalo disitu saya pakenya 230 width untuk deskripsi bukan auto/100% width untik layar hp/desktop
ul.list-post {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: flex-start;
--ukuran-jdl-dan-label:230px; <!--[ ini untuk lebar deskripsi ]-->

ul.list-post li{
position: relative;
margin:10px 5px;
list-style: none;
width: 390px; <!--[ ini untuk jarak dari gambar ]-->
height: auto;
Everything should follow the same design as of now
I've maintained a minimalistic approach for the main page, summary page and reading site. Added an automatic hero slider and a popular slider. Also, should I increase the size of the thumbnails in the popular slider? And I've removed related posts to keep things minimalistic.

kak wernayasa, gimana caranya di post chapter bisa menggunakan label lain? example: wattpad, novel, atau lainnya? karena kalau pakai label lain di select chapter tuh jadi ganda (error), please help me :(
Buat: <b:includable id='Wattpad'>

Tambahkan name dan label Watttpad di b:elseif code berikut. <b:loop index='i' values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels any (l =&gt; l.name == &quot;Chapter&quot;)'>
<b:include data='post' name='postChapter'/>
<b:elseif cond='data:post.labels any (l =&gt; l.name == &quot;Novel&quot;)'/>
<b:include data='post' name='postNovel'/>
<b:elseif cond='data:post.labels any (l =&gt; l.name == &quot;Wattpad&quot;)'/>
<b:include data='post' name='Wattpad'/>
<b:include data='post' name='postCommentsAndAd'/>
Untuk isi dalam id='Wattpad' bisa km custom sendiri.
bukan gitu, jadi hao lagi bikin beberapa fitur yang dimana hanya muncul di label tertentu. contoh:

Label Wattpad : munculin fitur typografi dan reading setting
Label Video : munculin fitur aiueo
Label Chapter : munculin fitur resolusi

nah jika di post chapter di tambahkan salah satu dari label diatas, maka akan terjadi error, sedangkan yang hao mau itu di post chapter bisa pakai beberapa label tambahan.

idk y, udah hao coba sesuai instruksi kak wernayasa, tapi masih error di bagian select chapternya.
Yg bagian next and prevnya sudah di tambahin labelnya?
Ini untuk othernya(kalo ga salah supaya tidak error) ada di atas head, tambahin label yg ingin di pakai, hanya contoh di bawah
<b:with value='[&quot;Label1&quot;,&quot;Label2&quot;,&quot;Label3&quot;,&quot;Nonton&quot;,&quot;Chapter&quot;,&quot;Novel&quot;,&quot;Ongoing&quot;,&quot;Hot&quot;,&quot;New&quot;,&quot;Color&quot;]' var='Other'>

Ini untuk label chapter, hanya contoh di bawah
<b:include name='chapNextPrev'/>
<b:with value='[&quot;Chapter&quot;,&quot;Project&quot;,&quot;Label2&quot;,&quot;Label1&quot;,&quot;Label3&quot;]' var='checkLabel'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels any (i =&gt; i.name in data:checkLabel)'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels filter (i =&gt; i.name not in data:checkLabel)' var='l'><div expr:data-label='data:l.name' id='nextPrevJS'/></b:loop></b:if></b:with>
min coba bantu test apakah lazyload image dibawah berhasil atau tidak pada zeistmanga v5?

<b:comment><!--[ Script Lazy Load Image ]--></b:comment>
<b:comment><!-- ini udah ga berfungsi, karena pakai data-src
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
(function(){var elements = document.querySelectorAll('img[data-src]');var index = 0;var lazyLoad = function() { if(index >= elements.length) return;var item = elements[index]; if((this.scrollY + this.innerHeight) > item.offsetTop) {var src = item.getAttribute("data-src");item.src = src;item.addEventListener('load', function() {item.removeAttribute('data-src');});index++;lazyLoad();}};var init = function(){window.addEventListener('scroll', lazyLoad);lazyLoad();};return init();})();

NAH PAKAI YANG BAWAH INI, KARENA DI CONVERT data-src ke src aja, jadi berfungsi lazyloadnya tanpa merubah hasil html image dari blogger--></b:comment>
<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
!function(){var t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-src]"),e=0,r=function(){if(!(e>=t.length)){var n=t[e];if(window.scrollY+window.innerHeight>n.offsetTop){var a=n.getAttribute("data-src");n.src=a,n.addEventListener("load",function(){n.removeAttribute("data-src")}),e++,r()}}};window.addEventListener("scroll",r),r()}();
Ini hao cara gunainya taruh di setiap postingan chapter, kalo untuk zeistv5
<div><a id="downBTN" href="ini juga link yg mau dipakai, ini untuk postingan chapter"></a></div>


setTimeout(function() {

document.getElementById("dl").href = "ini link download yg mau di pakai, sama ini juga nanti muncul di chapterlist";

}, 3000);</script>

Menurutku agak sulit, setiap tema punya struktur berbeda2.
kuncinya ada di: <b:loop index='i' values='data:posts' var='post'>
<b:include data='post' name='postCommentsAndAd'/>
dan: <!-- Post Series and Chapter -->
<b:include cond='data:view.isPost and data:post.labels none ( l =&gt; l.name in [&quot;Chapter&quot;] )' data='post' name='post'/>

<b:include cond='data:view.isPost and data:post.labels any (l =&gt; l.name == &quot;Chapter&quot;)' data='post' name='postChapter'/>

lihat codenya di [base_theme_v11.xml]
Skrip next prev: [Membuat Next Prev Blogger berdasarkan label tertentu.md]
Tidak ada skrip chapter list post series, coba ambil dari tema zeistmanga.
I did, I use default settings but still same. TOP of the page's chapter selection part are mixed.
[TOP page selection]

Chapter 000 (Manga A)
Chapter 001 (Manga B)
Chapter 001 (Manga A)
Chapter 001 (Manga C)
Chapter 002 (Manga A)
Chapter 002 (Manga B)

It's like that. But this is TOP of the page's chapter selection part. BOTTOM of the page's chapter selection part is CORRECT.
[TOP page selection]

BUT next and prev buttons are working for TOP part selection.
I found the error. It's happaned bacause of 'project' label. When I remove project label all the mangas chapter are become correct order. But I do not understand why that happaned and now I don't know how should I use 'project' label? If I don't use 'project' label, the chapters can't be seen on home page.

I solved my problem, If anyone has the same problem as I did, this is how to solve it, at least this is how I solved it.


For each manga, you need to put a 'Project' tag + 'Manga Name' tag. For the chapters of that manga, create a tag like 'Manga Name Chapters'. This is how I solved my problem.
Add the 'Manga Name Chapters' tag to the last 3 chapters of the manga.
You need to create a new tag for each new manga.
Or just do it like this. Find this code mangaPost.settingTitle = [{
name: 'Chapter',
news: 'Ch'
}, {
name: 'Episode',
news: 'Ep'
and then replaced it like this.
mangaPost.settingTitle = [{
name: 'Bölüm',
news: 'Bölüm'
}, {
name: 'Episode',
news: 'Ep'
Same process with the Nextprev script. Change the Chapter to your language. settings:{max:150,start:1,title:[{in:"Episode",out:"Ep."},{in:"Chapter",out:"Ch."},{in:"Volume",out:"Vol."}]
Nice, can't wait to see the finished result.
I really like the Tailwind CSS theme, it's easy to style and consistent across multiple browsers.
Minor complain: - No main tag
- Using background img as thumbnail is bad for SEO
- Post chapter using 2 header tag, not an issue but that weird
Slot iklan, episode range, episode search, light on/off.
Biasanya itu sih fitur standar stream video.
Slot ikan berupa gambar sebelum diplay, biasanya menuju link donasi/iklan.

Tidak perlu dibuatkan, skripku sudah ada.
Mungkin untuk dev lain yg butuh skrip ini untuk proyek tema mereka.
You need two labels, Chapter and Manga Title. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgs6RlHk1QZ4AAc9ksFhAweVHHKAW5T5tOkW1j3E1JuUs3hidfSCxMzD3RzmdM4VBqLI8Ecnn11RWJ1pUqVDWC7CoPa7Dsra0IAVO1zYE6FObnWnY0dvKn_IWRTJ6soNNJvhtbopYB2GZ5GCW_S75GCXbYv9AMwYppPi5e1xXN4xQe8aDxz6lq5ViwK-Jaq/s1079/Screenshot%202024-10-01%20at%2004-42-48%20Blogger%20Posts.png
My sample has many improvements, including small details.

In particular, the next/prev function that I applied is similar to the "single page application" technique, that is, moving to the next chapter without having to reload the page. I load all the chapter data into an array (called an array in javascript). When I open a chapter, I just get the data in the array immediately. Almost immediately :D
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1Ai2Vn-6HU

What is your gmail? I will send you the fully functional sample that I have improved. Before you sent me v6, I was very happy. I think I need to reply with this sample :D
How can I highlight the white text in a title like in this page "Asura Scans"? Also put Chapter instead of "Ch"?


Add open graph and twitter card below the <head> <!-- Open Graph / Facebook -->
<meta content='website' property='og:type'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.url.canonical' property='og:url'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.title' property='og:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.description.escaped' property='og:description'/>
<b:if cond='data:widgets'>
<b:loop values='data:widgets.Blog.first.posts where (p =&gt; p.featuredImage) map (p =&gt; p.featuredImage)' var='imageUrl'>
<meta expr:content='resizeImage(data:imageUrl,1200,&quot;1200:630&quot;)' property='og:image'/>
<!-- Twitter -->
<meta content='summary_large_image' property='twitter:card'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.url.canonical' property='twitter:url'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.title' property='twitter:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.description.escaped' property='twitter:description'/>
<b:if cond='data:widgets'>
<b:loop values='data:widgets.Blog.first.posts where (p =&gt; p.featuredImage) map (p =&gt; p.featuredImage)' var='imageUrl'>
<meta expr:content='resizeImage(data:imageUrl,1200,&quot;1200:630&quot;)' property='twitter:image'/>
Here is a quick video tutorial on posting Novels: https://youtu.be/AYiTnYQb2gE
This video will be suitable because the complete tutorial video will be in Vietnamese language.

In this version:
- The posting mechanism is almost the same.
- Do not use "Project" label.
- Use "Light Novel" or "Web Novel" for "Series" label posts. If you do not use it, javascript will not run.
- Use the "Novels" label to create story chapters.

In the Novel post, there will be 2 labels: one is the "Novels" label and the other I temporarily call the "Volume" label.
For example: Label: Novels,Volume 1 - giai đoạn thơ ấu - quá khứ
In the post with the "Series" label. In the div id="getlabel" section, you will set a custom "Volume" label to display the chapters on the homepage. Depending on your needs, you can set the newest, oldest volume, ...
How can I remove tags? Example:

Tags: read manga Moto Sekai Ichi Moto Sekai Ichi Chapter 03 bahasa Indonesia, manga Moto Sekai Ichi Moto Sekai Ichi Chapter 03 bahasa komik Indonesia, read Moto Sekai Ichi Chapter 03 online, Moto Sekai Ichi Chapter 03 new komiku, Moto Sekai Ichi Moto Sekai Ichi Chapter 03 chapter, high quality sub indo, Moto Sekai Ichi manga latest scan, manhwa web, Jun 18, 2022, Wernayasa
Can you drag and drop an XML file? Thanks for the tips!

The search function is great.
I noticed a black background in the post editor,
but it disappeared in the actual post. Do you have a script that can clean up styles?

By the way, are you a novel author?
Modifies this keyword to your own language: <p class='fs-14'>Baca Komik <strong><data:post.title/></strong> bahasa Indonesia lengkap dan baru di <strong><data:blog.title/></strong>. Kami menyediakan Komik, Manhua, Manhwa, dan Novel yang dapat kalian baca online gratis. </p> Find common keyword from you country to boost SEO.
Edit this code: <b:with value='[&quot;Action&quot;,&quot;Adventure&quot;,&quot;Comedy&quot;,&quot;Crime&quot;,&quot;Drama&quot;,&quot;Fantasy&quot;,&quot;Historical&quot;,&quot;Horror&quot;,&quot;Isekai&quot;,&quot;Magical Girls&quot;,&quot;Mecha&quot;,&quot;Medical&quot;,&quot;Mystery&quot;,&quot;Philosophical&quot;,&quot;Psychological&quot;,&quot;Romance&quot;,&quot;Sci-Fi&quot;,&quot;Shoujo Ai&quot;,&quot;Shounen Ai&quot;,&quot;Slice of Life&quot;,&quot;Sports&quot;,&quot;Superhero&quot;,&quot;Thriller&quot;,&quot;Tragedy&quot;,&quot;Wuxia&quot;,&quot;Yaoi&quot;,&quot;Yuri&quot;,&quot;Tsundere&quot;,&quot;Yandere&quot;]' var='Genre'> Do not add new labels, just replace old one.
You can add new label here, but not more than 40 array: <b:with value='[&quot;Adaptation&quot;,&quot;Cooking&quot;,&quot;Harem&quot;,&quot;Loli&quot;,&quot;Mafia&quot;,&quot;Magic&quot;,&quot;Military&quot;,&quot;Music&quot;,&quot;Reincarnation&quot;,&quot;Reverse Harem&quot;,&quot;Samurai&quot;,&quot;School Life&quot;,&quot;Supernatural&quot;,&quot;Survival&quot;,&quot;Time Travel&quot;,&quot;Vampire&quot;,&quot;Video Games&quot;,&quot;Demon&quot;,&quot;Monsters&quot;,&quot;Martial Arts&quot;,&quot;Virtual Reality&quot;,&quot;Demons&quot;,&quot;Monster Girls&quot;,&quot;Monsters&quot;,&quot;Police&quot;]' var='Genre2'>

The black background means that when I copy content anywhere and paste it into the post to edit, it will also take the style and child tags. In the video, Facebook is in dark mode, so when copying the content and pasting it to edit the post, it is as black as the original page. This JS will remove and replace with p.
JS: https://anotepad.com/notes/ak4pa4ea
It will ignore two cases: link a href and class separator

"By the way, are you a novel author?" YES
Oh, I get it.
Try this : <b:if cond='data:view.isHomepage'>
<meta property="og:title" content="Edit this title" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Edit this description" />
<meta property="og:image" content="https://yourcustomimage/img/example.png" />
<!-- Open Graph / Facebook -->
<meta content='website' property='og:type'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.url.canonical' property='og:url'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.title' property='og:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.description.escaped' property='og:description'/>
<b:if cond='data:widgets'>
<b:loop values='data:widgets.Blog.first.posts where (p =&gt; p.featuredImage) map (p =&gt; p.featuredImage)' var='imageUrl'>
<meta expr:content='resizeImage(data:imageUrl,1200,&quot;1200:630&quot;)' property='og:image'/>
<!-- Twitter -->
<meta content='summary_large_image' property='twitter:card'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.url.canonical' property='twitter:url'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.title' property='twitter:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:view.description.escaped' property='twitter:description'/>
<b:if cond='data:widgets'>
<b:loop values='data:widgets.Blog.first.posts where (p =&gt; p.featuredImage) map (p =&gt; p.featuredImage)' var='imageUrl'>
<meta expr:content='resizeImage(data:imageUrl,1200,&quot;1200:630&quot;)' property='twitter:image'/>
My theme integrates vuukle comments. There is a video tutorial for installation in google drive.

Powerful comment widget. Has all the basic functions needed for comments. In the admin section, there will be a special function to ban users via "username", "IP Address", "Email". ... and many other things.

Wait until you got aproved then add ads cript above </head>, google will display ads automatically.

I need screenshot.

One trending tab: [https://youtu.be/N9NmdU4UtVs]

Add class class='dark-mode' to the body tag: <body class='dark-mode' id='modeSwitch'> Remove this script: <script>/*<![CDATA[*/ (localStorage.getItem('mode')) === 'darkmode' ? document.querySelector('#modeSwitch').classList.add('dark-mode') : document.querySelector('#modeSwitch').classList.remove('dark-mode') /*]]>*/</script> The downside is you can't switch to light mode anymore.
In the latest version 1.2.4 of MSK Manga I added PWA (Progressive Web App) :D
This is an interesting function that can provide readers with an app-like experience.
Go to the documentation, then go to the "PWA json" section and update to the latest version, 1.2.4. Most documents are in Vietnamese so please use google translate!!
Runs on both phones and desktop computers. There is a function installed in the website for users to easily access and synchronize with the website on the browser.
Firebase has quite a heavy library so here's a new approach to the views functionality.The code is light and less than 100 lines of code. Solve website performance issues and customize view data in google sheets. Version 1.2.5 will be a major update, expected around the 7th to 10th of next month.

I built this SPA a bit differently, prefetching it first and then using document.write instead. All code needs to be added to type=module and needs to be slightly edited accordingly. With such simplicity, the results are really good. Web speed is improved to the maximum. The feeling of delay is also completely eliminated. :D
3001 – 3200 of 3223

Forum rules
You can use English or Indonesian

image quote pre code