601 – 800 of 3223

ZeistManga v5 - Versi ini merupakan versi terakhir, tapi bukan berarti saya berhenti mengupdatenya.
Update akan terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kestabilan dan penambahan fitur baru.

Ada beberapa code lama yang dihapus, jika kamu update dari versi 1-3, kemungkinan akan banyak yang tidak berfungsi. Juga penghapusan beberapa code yang tidak penting agar tema ini sedikit ramping. Mudah-mudahan tidak menimbulkan masalah.

v5.5 – 19 Februari 2024

  • Fixed - Perbaikan CSS, lupa apa yang diubah
  • New - Novel Mode (put label: Novel)
  • New - Related Post
  • New - Slider
  • New - BloggerScript 1.2
  • New - Pagination Series homepage
  • Remove - Hot Manga

Apa saja yang baru

  • Font fira sans
  • Back to top
  • History reading
  • Download chapter
  • Homepage layout mode
Reading History (Vu Tran)
Recent Post Blogger Widget 3
Random Post Slider // Dragable + Mouse Wheels
Script dari dagruel
Version Release date Downloads Perubahan
v5.2 Download 4 Changes
v5.1 Unavailable 3 Changes
v5.0 Unavailable Init Release
= v5.2 =
= Berkas ZIP =
  • bookmark.xml
  • post.format.xml
  • ZeistManga_v5.0.xml
gunakan css ini:@media only screen and (max-width:600px){#nPL{flex-direction:column;align-items:center;}#nPL > div{width:100%;}#nPL_select{width:100%;max-width:100%;}.inner_nPL > a{width:100%;}}
@media only screen and (max-width:350px){.inner_nPL{display:grid;gap:10px;grid-template-columns:repeat(2,1fr);}#dl{grid-column:1/3;}}
Copy this:<b:if cond='data:posts.empty'>
<div class='no-posts-message bg-main c-fff p-10 r4'><b:eval expr='data:view.isSearch ? data:messages.noResultsFound : data:messages.theresNothingHere'/>
Paste bellow:<b:class cond='!data:view.isHomepage' name='not-home-mb20'/>Screenshot

Can you add features like this?
I feel this site loads very fast

buat chatango baru pake akun baru trus pilih mode desktop, kalau yg lama udh nggk bisa diotak atik lg, udh permanen mode mobile. yg baru tinggal sesuaiin tinggi lebarnya. penting jgn pilih responsive mah.
I understand the problem now. I think there are two searches in the theme. One for computer mode and one for phone mode. The codes you gave worked in computer form, but somehow it still works corrupted. In the call for the phone, it does not work.
Demo instant website loading speed on mobile

I'll show you how to speed up your website instantly for free, but I'm busy right now, next week I'll show you guys.

! My English is not good so I use google translate
Bang cara membuat live search di pencarian hp bagaimana di saya tidak muncul dan di pencarian komputer muncul terus kodenya apa bang apakah sama dengan pencarian komputer dan bagaimana cara biar ga ke tiban live searchnya ini bang contoh demo saya https://mangaakatsuky.blogspot.com/
Can you please help? I can't find the codes myself because I don't have a computer. How can I get the css codes of this feature found in the old "zeist manga"?



Halo om werna, saya mau tanya apakah templetnya bakal ada update selanjutnya, soalnya saya menemukan bug yg lumayan parah, entah bug dari templet atau emang dari bloggernya, jadi ketika saya stay di salah satu project komik saya yg berisikan sekitar 50 chapter, itu nguras paket data yg besar banget, contoh kayak di foto, saya cuman stay sekitar 3-5 detik udah habis sekitar 30 an mb dan itu terus berjalan, karena sebelumnya saya coba stay sekitar 20 detik terkuras hampir 200 mb tanpa berhenti, saya coba di web sebelah yg memakai templetnya om werna juga sama, dan ketika saya coba di web selain blogger paling cuman termakan 2-5 mb🙏Screenshot
km mau latest release di letakkan di atas menggantikan hot manga?
Coba unlock widgetnya dulu widget section dengan mencari d='slide' maxwidgets='1'Lalu hapus maxwidgets='1' > Simpan.
Tata Letak > Geser Widget ke tas.
Untuk labelnya km bikin kayak di video tutorial.
Pelan pelan, aku sepenuhnya ngerti penjelasanmu.
This service is a free service of Jetpack inside WordPress. But there is a problem that sometimes the image will fail to load. The way to solve this problem is that I have added the code random domain cdn. The service provides up to 4 cdn image domains. Each uploaded image will randomly select these 4 domains. My English is very bad so please try to understand :v
Lanjutkan. Tapi masih kurang ada ciri khas tertentu. Masih keliatan kayak ZM.
Cari web anime besar buat inspirasi kayak kumanime, coba di mimic tampilannya, warnanya, lebar dll.
Di transform menjadi sesuatu yg unik. Saran aja, hehe.
Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to increase the number of chapters displayed in the Select Chapter tab, currently it only shows 150.
as I use it to post translations, there are novels with more than 500 chapters, how can I increase this value?

I found the line of code that controls this, however, any value less than 150 the code accepts, but if they are greater than 150, it does not accept.

I tried putting bigger numbers but only 150 are shown

Paste js CDN di atas </body>:<script src=" https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@splidejs/splide@4.1.4/dist/js/splide.min.js "></script>Copy css CDN lalu Paste di atas </head>:<link href=" https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@splidejs/splide@4.1.4/dist/css/splide.min.css " rel="stylesheet"/>Terakhir paste config di atas </head>:var splide = new Splide( '.splide', {
type : 'loop',
perPage : 3,
autoplay: true,
} );
Kalau gk berhasil cari di youtube ada tutorial memasang Splide Slider.
Wah sayang diganti, tunggu support pembuatnya aja, nanti juga dia online.
Untuk sementara boleh pakai tema ZM, sampai temamu diperbaiki.

Sorry, gk bisa bantu import fitur dari tema lain,
importing modul sangat sulit, tidak semudah copy paste.

Sangat banyak kesalahan saat membuat tema ZM, andaikan gw bisa remake ulang tema ini, biar codenya bersih dan ringan.
Hanya beda styling doang, intinya sama dengan komentar lain. Tema ini dibuat dengan V9. Coba aja bermain dgn CSS dulu, gunakan firefox/chrome dev tool, sapa tau nanti bisa bikin tema sendiri.
Gk ada tutorialnya, soalnya prosesnya cukup panjang juga. XD.
Blogger Manga Theme Editing

Hi brother, I'm trying to add some Download Buttons in the Blogger Manga template. I've been trying to place some Buttons under the Synopsis of the manga for a while, but it doesn't work out and if it does, it damages the entire theme, it damages the entire template. What can I do? to place download buttons?

Use these buttons that I leave you here


But they don't come out and if they come out as I said, I damage the topic

I would like to place it in that section but I can't find the way, is there a way bro to place Buttons there

I left you below An example of a website that has buttons so you can see how I tell you

I don't know if you can help me to solve this problem, is there a friend?

I don't know if you can explain to me what I can do
And if you can do it and I pay you it will be



There I left you some caps and sorry bro for the inconvenience
Semu label wajib diawali huruf kapital.
Agar muncul di Project update wajib 2 label berikut:Project,UpdateUntuk Latest Release cukup label Project
Terakhir tambahkan label tipe, seperti:Manga
Pilih salah satu
use this code to speed up website loading:
Paste it at the end of the body. It's a code I found somewhere on google . The interesting fact is that it is just one of many factors for instant page loading in my website :v
The Select Chapter button does not show chapters, what should I do?
Ref:https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/923864185799082005/1082517451775942778/image.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/923864185799082005/1082517451511709847/image.png
I like the speed, near instantaneous loading plus loading spinner.
Volume is very interesting, must have feature for novel website.
You also modified bookmark design, nice touch.
Moving history to page nice.
I notice, manga reader is darker but novel mode is light, is that bug/intentional?
Sorry if i miss something, overall its great design.
Do you want the code to display the entire post by its title keyword and its other name in "search?q=". Before that I tried countless times entering the correct post title and the post didn't appear so decided to code this feature. Especially it will follow the post title keyword and its other name keyword.
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