1001 – 1200 of 3235

ZeistManga v5 - Versi ini merupakan versi terakhir, tapi bukan berarti saya berhenti mengupdatenya.
Update akan terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kestabilan dan penambahan fitur baru.

Ada beberapa code lama yang dihapus, jika kamu update dari versi 1-3, kemungkinan akan banyak yang tidak berfungsi. Juga penghapusan beberapa code yang tidak penting agar tema ini sedikit ramping. Mudah-mudahan tidak menimbulkan masalah.

v5.5 – 19 Februari 2024

  • Fixed - Perbaikan CSS, lupa apa yang diubah
  • New - Novel Mode (put label: Novel)
  • New - Related Post
  • New - Slider
  • New - BloggerScript 1.2
  • New - Pagination Series homepage
  • Remove - Hot Manga

Apa saja yang baru

  • Font fira sans
  • Back to top
  • History reading
  • Download chapter
  • Homepage layout mode
Reading History (Vu Tran)
Recent Post Blogger Widget 3
Random Post Slider // Dragable + Mouse Wheels
Script dari dagruel
Version Release date Downloads Perubahan
v5.2 Download 4 Changes
v5.1 Unavailable 3 Changes
v5.0 Unavailable Init Release
= v5.2 =
= Berkas ZIP =
  • bookmark.xml
  • post.format.xml
  • ZeistManga_v5.0.xml


Related series feature not working on phone

saya coba pakai untuk koleksi ebook, ternyata gak pada muncul apa ada yang salah ya? Muncul hanya beberapa dan itupun kalau di kasih kategory anime semua seperti magan, update, project, Manhwa dll, apa bisa saya ganti dengan label sastra, fiksi, non-fiksi dll?
Km edit sendiri code javascriptnya.
Cari update.mainItem = ['Update']; , seluruh codenya km edit manual sesuaikan dengan labelmu.
Satunya lagi mangaPost.mainItem = ['Manga','Manhwa','Manhua']; itu juga harus diedit.
Tag labelnya juga diganti, codenya ada di atas yg mirip seperti ini:else if ("Manhwa" == label2) {
typ = "<span class='absolute po manhwa'>Manhwa</span>";

Banyak yg mirip2 itu. Caranya, ganti aja label Manga atau apalah lalu ganti dengan label yang diinginkan, dan seterusnya.
Ganti satu persatu > Simpan > refresh blogmu untuk melihat berhasil/error, dan seterusnya.
Asalkan kamu giat pasti akan berhasil.
Good luck.
Tambahkan CSS ini untuk membantu merapikan stylenya:#resLive div a {display: grid;grid-template-columns: 40px 1fr;gap: 15px;}
#resLive div img {width: 100%;height: auto}
#resLive div.Item {padding: 10px}
#resLive {left: -146px;width: initial}
@media (max-width: 1024px){#resLive{left: 0;width: 100%}}
Ganti script resLive dengan ini Link , letaknya di atas /body cari code $('.liveSearch') .
Skripnya aku ambil langsung dari web scanscomics mudah2-an kompatibel.
Tambahkan disini label yang ingin ditambahkan: <b:with value='[&quot;Chapter&quot;,&quot;Project&quot;]' var='chf'> Tambahkan aja, jangan di hapus label Chapter dan Series
Tetap pakai label Chapter dan Series untuk postingan.
Berikut contoh cara menambahkannya: <b:with value='[&quot;Chapter&quot;,&quot;Project&quot;,"Label1","Label2"]' var='chf'>
Source Code :
//Animasi Logo MangaDora

:root {
--Size_Width : 300px; /* Size Width Bar */
--Size_Height : 15px; /* Size Height Bar */
@keyframes Animasi_MangaDora{0%{left:-100%;top:0}to{left:100%;top:0}}
.MangaDora_Logo:before{content:"";position:absolute;left:-100%;width:var(--Size_Width);height:var(--Size_Height);background-color:rgba(255,255,255,.5);-webkit-transform:rotate(-45deg);-moz-transform:rotate(-45deg);-ms-transform:rotate(-45deg);-o-transform:rotate(-45deg);transform:rotate(-45deg);-webkit-animation:Animasi_MangaDora 1.5s ease-out 1s infinite;-o-animation:Animasi_MangaDora 1.5s ease-out 1s infinite;animation:Animasi_MangaDora 1.5s ease-out 1s infinite;filter: blur(0.6rem)}

<div class="MangaDora_Logo">
<img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhAi4ao35UIa_nfnpgXaUgVd2M0WZDpIEbCZDRsvK8AwUbZU1am76WcpQMNF6zbq6WRZhV3DjTL_6y9hYrwh5o8oSICwsMNpFhxD8LPLcIyzJruscUVcrivZ8NJFQb5XrXWvEbJ21i5z4PtT_fKsWwfhSaKwQzevStx-B4x-yWeF8NxPKruVaGXrvHgMg=s688" alt="MangaDora">

<div class="MangaDora_Logo">
<span id="text_animet">Text</span>

//Animasi Logo Left To Right

@keyframes leftToright{0%{left:-100%}to{left:100%}}
.Logo_Animasi2:before{content:"";top:-100%;left:-100%;position:absolute;width:100%;height:300px;background-color:rgb(255 255 255);animation:leftToright 1.5s ease-out 1s infinite;filter:blur(0.6rem)}

<div class="Logo_Animasi2">
<img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEhAi4ao35UIa_nfnpgXaUgVd2M0WZDpIEbCZDRsvK8AwUbZU1am76WcpQMNF6zbq6WRZhV3DjTL_6y9hYrwh5o8oSICwsMNpFhxD8LPLcIyzJruscUVcrivZ8NJFQb5XrXWvEbJ21i5z4PtT_fKsWwfhSaKwQzevStx-B4x-yWeF8NxPKruVaGXrvHgMg=s688" alt="MangaDora">

<div class="Logo_Animasi2">
<span id="text_animet">Text</span>
Harus ganti ke script baru. Related post lama lama tidak bisa dipasang label dan score.
Backup dulu temamu.
Pasang bloggerscript di atas /head [Raw]
Ganti script related post lama dengan [Raw]
Untuk kedepannya aku pakai GitHub untuk hosting script.
Banyak yg lapor gk bisa download lewat Box.
60% semua js yang dibutuhkan sudah ada,40% sisanya cuman css buat rapihin dan halusin animasinya doang.
Sedangkan ada kendala yaitu stuck di Chapter List soalnya Chapter list gak ada yang bekerja...mana gak ada code error, dibeberapa device juga chapter list yang bekerja sekarang malah gak jalan.

Is there a way to add this? weekly / monthly / all time
min cara pasang Limit max width yang diweb post chapter bt itu min mau pasang ke zeistmanga min saya gak tau letak pasang nya min saya mau pasang nya limit max width aja min
min, gimana caranya supaya komik yg udah lama ga di up, terus pas kita up lagi itu naik ke list paling atas,

soalnya punya saya, komik yg udah lama ga update, terus pas update lagi, gak muncul di latest update
Off recording mean meaning I didn't record the repair part.
Maybe you just need to add CSS above /b:skin : #other {display: grid; gap: 20px} I'm not sure, because i don't have demo site anymore.
<script>/*<![CDATA[*/const npXbottom={arr:new Array,config:{max:999,start:1,labelMain:"Series"},sort:e=>e.sort((e,t)=>e.title.localeCompare(t.title,void 0,{numeric:!0})),compile:function(){let a=this.sort(this.arr).reverse(),r=this.config,n=(window||document).location.pathname,i=$('<select onchange="this.options[this.selectedIndex].value && window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, \'_self\')" name="npx-list"></select>'),o="",l="",s="";$.each(a,(e,t)=>{t.cat.some(e=>r.labelMain==e)?o=$(`<a rel="series" href="${t.url}">${r.home||"All"}</a>`):(i.append($(`<option ${t.url.includes(n)?'selected="selected"':""} value="${t.url}">${t.title.substring(t.title.indexOf("Chapter"))}</option>`)),t.url.includes(n)&&(a[e+1]&&(l=a[e+1].cat.some(e=>r.labelMain==e)?"":$(`<a rel="prev" href="${a[e+1].url}">${r.prev||"Prev"}</a>`)),a[e-1])&&(s=a[e-1].cat.some(e=>r.labelMain==e)?"":$(`<a rel="next" href="${a[e-1].url}">${r.next||"Next"}</a>`)))});var e=$('<div class="nav-right"></div>');e.html(l).append(o).append(s),$("#nextPrevJSbottom").html(i).append(e)},jqCheck:()=>"function"==typeof jQuery,xhr:function(){const a=this,t=a.config;$.ajax({type:"get",url:`${t.site||""}/feeds/posts/summary/-/`+t.cat,data:{alt:"json","start-index":t.start,"max-results":t.max},dataType:"jsonp",success:e=>{"entry"in e.feed?($.each(e.feed.entry,(e,t)=>{a.arr.push({title:t.title.$t,url:t.link.find(e=>"alternate"==e.rel).href,cat:t.category.map(e=>e.term)})}),e.feed.entry.length>=t.max?(a.config.start+=a.config.max,a.xhr()):a.compile()):0!==a.arr.length&&a.compile()},error:()=>{$("#nextPrevJSbottom").html(`<p>${t.textError||"Error"}</p>`)}})},run:function(){return this.jqCheck()?0===$("#nextPrevJSbottom").length?"element tidak ada":(this.config.cat=$("#nextPrevJSbottom").data("label")||!1,0===this.config.cat?"Category Tidak ada":void this.xhr()):"jquery tidak ada"}};npXbottom.run();
Hi, recently i got a problem with the theme, before that its working normally. I'm curently using v4 version this theme and i had tried to update v5 version for solving my problem but its same thing happened. So here is my problem, whenever a new reader came to my blog my series doesnt show at main page (https://i.imgur.com/1x0jI1A.jpg) and when i go to series page then chapters doesnt shown either. And if i go to chapters page this time select chapter, prev or next chapter buttons doesnt work(when i click it, it's refresh same page). but this problem happens time to time, sometimes there is a problem and 10 min later its working again and again 10 min later it doesnt work at all. Can you help me with that?
anyone knows how to make the chapter thumbnail be a post series? var homePage = "/blogspot.com/",numPosts = 4;function recentPosts(a){if(document.getElementById("recent-posts")){var e=a.feed.entry,title,link,content="",ct=document.getElementById("recent-posts");for(var i=0;i<numPosts;i++){for(var j=0;j<numPosts;j++){if(e[i].link[j].rel=="alternate"){link=e[i].link[j].href;break}}var title=e[i].title.$t;content+='<li class="recent-posts"><a href="'+link+'" title="'+title+'" target="_self" rel="nofollow">'+title+'</a></li>'}ct.innerHTML=content}}var rcp=document.createElement('script');rcp.src=homePage+'/feeds/posts/default/-/Chapter?alt=json-in-script&orderby=published&max-results='+numPosts+'&callback=recentPosts';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(rcp);

How can I change the search description in the search results I tried on blogger but it doesn't seem to work
Did you modified your meta description?
Bellow <head> find this name='description' make sure its same code like this: <meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/> if it's different, replace with it.
Min numpang nanya, ini ada prev sama next page latest release sama project update gak? kan limit 150 tuh, apa nampilin semuanya 150 judul ? atau ada limit kayak 25 judul ada next page ny, klo ad isi 300 judul kan terlalu numpuk nanti min
Min cara supaya popularpost/trending nya di buat kaya tema ninstream bisa ga? Maksudnya setiap muncul trending cuman beberapa jam dah hilang judul di bagian trendingnya, kalo di tema ninstream kan seminggu baru hilang, kalo di web saya cuman beberapa jam langsung hilang judul trendingnya, jadi ga sampai seminggu, kan itu saya buat 1 minggu 1 bulan dan 1 tahun tapi semuanya hilang beberapa jam doank trendingnya, tau ga cara perbaikinya min
Tidak ada next prev di homepage, itu seluruhnya custom javascript.
150 total Series + chapter. 150 adalah maksimal feed yg bisa diambil.
Kalau mau nyumbang dana nanti kita order script baru dengan next prev ke pembuatnya (kalau dia mau). Soalnya ada beberapa org yang nanyakan fitur itu.
Entah bisa atau tidak belum pasti.
Trending tergantung banyak yg klik.
Masalahnya di tema manga banyak yang klik chapter, makanya post series tidak muncul di popular post.
Kalau di tema streaming, orang pasti klik post series, karena tidak ada post chapter, jadi jumlah klik terakumulasi.
Tidak bisa diperbaiki.
Please can someone share these slider codes with me? I was using it before, but then it broke and stopped working. Please help.
Misi bang, mau tanya, untuk mengatasi chapter yang muncul di homepage lebih dari 4 gimana ya bang? ada 1 komik 15 ch, itu muncul semua di homepage, jadi kebawahnya aneh, cara biar di homepage 1 komik maximal 4 ch terbaru aja yang keluar. Mohon pencerahanya bang. Terima kasih banyak
Admin please help. There is a problem with my slider. I've been trying for days and it doesn't get better. The slider works after loading the page a few times and then continues to show the same series by scrolling. After a while it disappears again.

Site: https://mikrokosmosfb.blogspot.com/?m=1
I did. When I upload the same theme to another site, everything works very well. But it just doesn't work on this site. It's a very strange situation. Maybe there is no way to fix it. Thank you very much for your interest. And I want to ask one more question. How did you make these spaces around the edges of the theme?

How can I align them?

And I want to ask something off-topic. I knew that Blogspot doesn't allow adding images in comments. But the other day I saw that a picture was added on a blog, how is this possible? If there is a way it would be pretty cool for the hexforum theme. I saw it on igniel's blog.

PageSpeed Insights, 'alt' attribute was missing error, I added src="' +t+ '" at the end, I don't know if it's right but it works for now.


Now I noticed that sometimes the "popular slider" loads late. I hope it won't be a problem
I had already done it as you said, but then when some of the pictures on the main page had a loading problem, I thought it was because of this and deleted it. But in fact, the reason for the error is that I do not load the image on the "Series Page" from the computer. I have uploaded the image as a link.
Pagespeed score (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/ or https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/) gives a low score because there is no "ALT" information in the image links that start in this way and the images are not in .WEBP format. Just fixing the "Latest Release" part improved the site score significantly. So can we change other pictures too? IM curios about her.
I'll look for a solution, don't expect much ok.
What they want is javascript be delayed before everything load.
Try add defer="defer" on: <script defer="defer"> Don't forget remove async="async".
Maybe not much improvement.
1001 – 1200 of 3235

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