201 – 267 of 267

MakuraNovel adalah tema Blogspot khas EmissionHex yang dioptimalkan untuk blogger novel, cocok untuk berbagi novel terjemahan atau hasil MTL.


Ini tema pertamaku yang dibuat dengan TailwindCSS, agak ribet juga karna harus belajar CSS abstaction. Namun kalau sudah terbiasa bisa lebih cepat dari menulis CSS manual. 90% CSS di generated otomasis, saya hanya menulis class saja.

Tema novel ini diluar rencana, awalnya ada tema lain yang sedang digarap. Karena sulit, aku putuskan untuk mencari tema novel yang mudah diclone

Pilihanku SakuraNovel dan Maid.id karna terlihat simple dan bersih barangkali mudah diclone. Nyatanya tidak.

Aku meremehkan sakuranovel/maid.id ternyata banyak komponen yg ternyata cukup sulit dibuat. Untungnya ada komponen yang bisa di import dari ZeistManga, itu mempercepat proses pembuatan tema.

Berbicara tentang cloning tema, aku hanya clone sebisanya saja, beberapa perubahan sedikit agar tampilannya unik

Bagian favorite admin adalah backdrop filter, kyak efek kaca, yg berbeda dari tampilan sakuranovel yang lebih transparent. Lihat perbedaanya. MakuraNovel - Sakuranovel



V 1.2
[+] Live Search
[+] RTL Support
[^] Post Series Format
[*] Mobile Search
V 1.1
[+] Post Chapter Nav Bottom
Adding Update Section: https://youtu.be/0QhXlFiGa0I
Adding Download Button: https://youtu.be/SuWohLkr87Y
Hello, I would like to purchase one of your themes to share my novels. I liked Zeistmanga v6 more, but since I'm focusing on the novels, I'm considering preferring Makuranovel anyway... (Why is it so hard to choose one?:)

-So can i have copy protection for text in this theme?

-Can we activate the blog section here? or some kind of announcements area (like in v6)
The chapter display on the home page of each story, it always shows the last chapter missing, for example, if a story has 9 chapters, it only displays 8. However, everything is displayed correctly, only the error is on the home page of each story.
When searching, the displayed result will be the last page. When you want to view, you must click Previous to see previous results. Is there any way to make it display the first page of search results?
Find and remove this code: <b:else/>
<span class='text-sm px-2 py-1 leading-tight text-gray-500 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-e hover:bg-gray-100 hover:text-gray-700 dark:bg-gray-800 dark:border-gray-700 dark:text-gray-400 dark:hover:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:text-white cursor-not-allowed' expr:title='data:messages.newerPosts'>
Thank you, please tell me what else I can do to improve my search on the web, because when I enter the name of a story to search, there will be stories that can be found, and stories that cannot be found..
Do you expect your post will show up on Google search right after you publish it? It takes several weeks (for me it took 1 month) and factors for your site to appear in Google. Google prefers good and useful content. If your website has helpful info that matches what people are looking for, it will probably show up in search results faster. Also, if there are a lot of competitors, it might take longer for your site to rank well.
Hello, thanks for the theme. I've been using this a year and considerating upgrading to ZeistMangav6, also one of yours. But I recently faced this problem where latest release menu isn't showing. I tried using the theme on my other site and it works just fine. I'm not sure if it's because of my post is just too many. [Screenshot]
Fixed! Permasalahannya di script clwd bagian setting yang seperti dibawah ini.

settings:{max:150,start:1,title:[{in:"Episode",out:"Ep."},{in:"Volume",out:"Vol."}],judul:"Chapter List"}

Posts ku gak pakai Episode maupun Volume jadi menyebabkan masalah saat fetching posts. Jadi ku tambahin sendiri

settings:{max:150,start:1,title:[{in:"Episode",out:"Ep."},{in:"Volume",out:"Vol."}, { in: "Chapter", out: "Ch." }, { in: "Eps", out: "Ep." }, { in: "Magic Store", out: "Ch." }],judul:"Chapter List"}

Format posts ku: nama_chapter (spasi) nomor_chapter
Cth: Chapter 1, Eps 1, Magic Store 1
Iya sudah bang. Filter langsung judulnya yang bermasalah iya. Mungkin karna sebagian pakai filter dan sebagian nggak, kurang tahu aku. Tapi setelah semua dimasukin filter udah beres masalahnya.

Masalahnya post terbaru gak masuk ke chapter list dan halaman utama novel malah masuk chapter list
201 – 267 of 267

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