801 – 1000 of 1277
ZeistManga v6

ZeistManga v6 adalah tema manga/komik khusus untuk blogger atau blogspot.

Tema ini tidak dijual atau dibagikan gratis. Harga yang dipatok adalah donasi untuk pemeliharaan, update dan support.


Desainnya mengusung lebih modern. Proses pembuatannya lumayan lama karena tidak mengikuti desain clone, ya bisa dibilang ini karya original admin yang inspirasinya diambil dari berbagai situs web. Developer EmissionHex ingin desainnya bebas gangguan, langsung ke intinya, minimalistic dan tanpa basa basi.

Tema ini bukan pengganti ZeistManga v5, tapi alternative dengan desain berbeda. Seluruh codenya dibangun dari awal bukan hasil copy paste dari tema sebelumnya.

Apa saja yang baru?

Ada beberapa pembaharuan namun ada juga yang lupa dicatat. Berikut daftarnya.

  • Versi update meta header untuk SEO
  • Peningkatan peforma
  • Optimisasi code SEO
  • Chapter Index

Syarat mendaptkan update seumur hidup

  • Membuat akun GitHub
  • Email aktif atau username GitHub

Adapun caranya sangatlah mudah, setelah melakukan pembayaran, masukkan email di kolom komentar trakteer, tunggu notifikasi github lalu terima invitasi dari Developer.

Alasan kenapa harus pakai GitHub adalah untuk menghemat waktu pengiriman file, update dan membuat paket file.
Alasan lain adalah agar user mengetahui code apa yang berubah.

Sistem Label

Setiap label diawali huruf besar (kecuali NSFW).

Untuk label genre tidak ditulis disini karena daftarnya terlalu panjang.

Tipe (wajib, pilih salah satu):
MangaManhuaManhwaDoujinNovelWeb NovelLight NovelOne-ShotWNLN
Status (wajib, pilih salah satu):
OngoingCompletedCancelledHiatusDroppedComing Soon
Mode (wajib, pilih salah satu):
Filter (boleh dipakai atau tidak):
Country (tidak wajib, pilih salah satu):
Lainnya (tidak wajib, boleh pilih lebih dari satu):
Bahasa (tidak wajib, pilih salah satu):


Tidak lupa ucapan terima kasih pada devloper yang membantu membuat tema ini, Yukine, Hiru, VuTran dan kalian yang mendukung admin. Special thanks kepada developer Dayat dan Arleth untuk skripnya yang bagus-bagus.

Where your get those screenshot? i need that site url.

You can by using github fork, but its complicated.
Make sure you create github fork right now.

Sorry, you have to redo your modification.
Its minor update, you can use your current version. No problem.
Very strange, its works fine on my demo site.
Maybe because "Bộ Truyện" label: const _liveSearch = {
filterLabel: "Bộ Truyện",
sizeImage: "s240",
noImage: "no_image_url",
Mine using Series and its works fine: const _liveSearch = {
filterLabel: "Series",
sizeImage: "s240",
noImage: "no_image_url",
Try revert back to label Series and see if its work. Don't forget to add label Series on your post.
kalau perlu kode ginian nanti, bisa dicek dibagian draf halaman datakodehiru.

bagian susahnya datanya gak bisa pindah secara otomatis(gk ngerti live server).

cuma bisa reset data (hari,minggu,bulan) pakai cara manual ,harus click button reset(lagi dibuat buttonnya).


ps: code belum mencapai target,mungkin masih ada seikit bug.
Hi, i want to add more condition (?) to this part of Recent Chapters widget, can u pls teach me how to do it?
Currently it's only count titles with "Chapter", i want to add "Episode" and other words too.
(Because we have about 1000 chapters already posted before moved to this template so it takes so much time to change its tiltle :( )
Thanks so much!
Sorry, it seems like cannot comment with tags.
This part:

a class='link relative top-0.5 ml-3 hidden items-center text-lg group-hover:flex' href='/search/label/Chapter'>
<b:with value='data:posts count (ch => ch.title contains "Chapter")' var='item'
sudah masuk kok, gambar tema Hexforum.

Api telegram emang bisa kirim gambar sama file selama gak diparse, kalau diparse jadi kebaca text doang yang hasilnya gak kebaca kalau itu file.

jadi aku pakai ide kirim dulu file terlebih dahulu jika file sudah berhasil terkirim baru giliran text.
I won't make tutorial, because its long and tedious process.
You can watch my workflow here: [Link] Prepare 3 things: - Web Browser [chrome or firefox]
- Base theme
- Site you want to clone
This is not tutorial for beginner, you mush have intermediate CSS understanding.
Each developer has different workflow.
Apakah metode slider komik dari versi ini bisa diterapin di versi ZM terdahulu? Aku masih pake ZMv5 dan yang baru slider komiknya agak aneh menurutku, makanya aku donasi buat make yang v6. Tapi setelah aku pikir-pikir perlu ngatur ulang tata letaknya lain lagi. Sebenarnya aku cuma pengen update slidernya aja. Yang v5 juga gak bisa di scrol kalau di mobile.
Remove this code to hide label Chapter and Project: <div class='mt-1.5 line-clamp-1'>
<b:loop index='i' values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:label.name in data:checkLabel'>
<a class='inline-block bg-accent text-gray-50 rounded px-1.5 py-0.5 text-xs hover:opacity-80' expr:data-bg='data:label.name' expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'>
<b:loop index='i' values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:label.name in data:Genre or data:label.name in data:Genre2'>
<a class='inline-block bg-gray-200 text-gray-600 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:text-gray-300 rounded px-1.5 py-0.5 text-xs hover:opacity-80' expr:data-bg='data:label.name' expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'>
Hi, i'm here again...I just noticed the comment section is disabled in Pages. Is there anyway to enable that? The blogger setting is set to 'allow' but it's still invisible. I kinda put contents on the Pages to hide it on the Homepage and only allow readers who have the link
I have another problem 1: [Screenshot] the comment section is too wide for mobile view, it's just fine for web. Is there a way to adjust?

2. This are for the novels posted on my site, I'm having trouble with Headings and hyperlink on dark mode, they can't be seen on darkmode, i managed to make adjustments on headings by clearing the format and setting it as Normal, but i can't do it with hyperlinks, now is there a way to make the hyperlink text be on different color? Like how it is here. Well, i know there is, but I have zero knowledge on coding so I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking for. Please help
I don't think so, but that's a good suggestion. I hope Wernayasa creates a page where the problems are solved, so we can go and browse there. Also, include video tutorials, for example, the Next and Prev. Many users have the same problem.
Hi, here I am again 😅, testing uploading manhua now, I'm not sure if this is theme related problem but I'll ask anyway, does the theme not support long strip or I just did something wrong? I tried uploading one but it turned out this way: [Screenshot]. First, they don't adjust to fit the screen, Second they have different width eventhough the original image width is uniform and just varies on the length. I already toggled on the manga mode and image protection but they didn't work. It works fine in normal manga size images though. Is there a way to work around this, or do I have to crop this?
hi, i tried this and hosted the images on im.ge, solved me the problem on the format and blurry pics, thanks for that. Now a new problem arise, the pics are very slow loading and most of the times some panels don't get to load at all, and had to refresh the page to get them all. Converted the post to have lazy load and tried to turn on and off the lazy load option on blogger itself, also toggled on the privacy of the pics on im.ge (from private w/ link to public) but still the same, is this normal? This is the problematic page: [My Site]
iyaa sama2 minn, baru terjun september tahun lalu udah banyak banget yang aku dapetin juga dari forum ini, banyak belajar juga dari kak hiru soal pemograman awowkkw.

btw happy eid mubarak yaa semuanyaa, minal aidzin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
No, I won't invite you, there are 2 person with name Mistoxi.
Get your github access back please.
This trick only apply if you already have fork.
Its not gonna work if you create fork right now, because there is nothing to synchronize.- Create a fork
- Edit your theme on github (click pen icon) or
- Copy your theme and paste it theme on github
I'm not expert on github.
If this feel too complicated, do this instead. - Fork my repo
- Edit your theme all over again
I'll try this, https://github.com/Mistoxi/Vhhghhg my new Github, this one was the old money Joseyane I'll try this, https://github.com/Mistoxi/Vhhghhg name also Mistscanraysssss2334 my new Github, this one was the old money Joseyane
Indeed, this is an old way to deal with blur in images that have a high ratio, I'm just sharing my experience for people who don't know, apart from that, this is one option for displaying images with a long ratio without blur on Blogger without using hosting.

For the error code problem, it's possible that you weren't careful in changing the image resolution code. In the comments above I also gave a quick trick for changing the resolution using the search and change tool in Word.

actually I still have another way to make all images on blogger have high resolution without changing /s1600/, I can't share the code yet because it's in the development stage, but I can share an example of a screenshot of the design while changing the image resolution on blogger.

Hi. There is a problem on my site lately. I haven't been able to solve it. in the section list inside the sections, the last sections I posted appear at the bottom. while it should appear at the top, it appears at the bottom under the first section. how can I solve this? there is no problem in other lists.
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