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HexaNime v3

HexaNime adalah tema blogger buat streaming anime. Tema ini merupakan generasi ke 2 tema streaming yg di develop EmissionHex.

Template Blogger ini dapat dipakai untuk situs Unduh Film dan Tonton Online. Ada kategori berbeda jika kalian ingin membuat batch aninme.

Template ini juga sepenuhnya responsif, dan menyesuaikan tampilan di ponsel, beradaptasi dengan tampilan tampilan app apabila diapaki di ponsel.


hey min , i just created a javascript for the manual slider v2 for fetching posts from recent posts but i think there is an error of " image resolutiion and when clicking on " mulai baca " it takes to some feed url instead of the post

can you please help with that ?

here is the code : https://github.com/anix2040/Blogger/blob/main/ZMV5%20SLIDER%20V2%20MANUAL%20TO%20AUTOMATIC%20JAVASCRIPT
Hey min now it's serious issue I m done with blogger my website and her posts have gone 9 times down. Pls make wordpress theme how many time I will appeal in case my website is tranding and blogger will remove so it is critical issue we are buying theme for earn money by putting ads and blogger down our website I will also give high money for theme pls understand our problem there are so much people having these problems but can't able to say pls pls pls don't tell that's wordpress is tuff try try but don't cry
There is not enough time to make themes from other platforms.I enjoy working on blogger themes, each time there is a new design, i can't wait to convert to blogger.
[tukutema.com] This site is not verified, maybe it's a scam or legit I don't know.

Cool bro, its fine if you want to leave blogger.
I wish you luck.
This prompt: Aku ingin membuat countdown javascript untuk episode tayang pada 9 mei 2024 <div class="countdown" data-schedule="2024-5-9"></div> hasil outputnya sebagai berikut: Schedule
Next episode will air in 2d 12h 44m 49s

First attempt failed.
Second attempt success. I just give chatGPT piece of html code to follow.
I added fewe feature and this is final result.
You can copy the css yourself: <b:with value='[&quot;Episode&quot;, &quot;Eps&quot;, &quot;Ep&quot;]' var='checkEpisode'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='item'>
<b:with value='&quot;String: &quot; + data:item.name' var='string'>
<b:loop values='data:checkEpisode' var='first'>
<b:if cond='data:string contains data:first + &quot; &quot;'>
<span class='tick-item tick-sub' expr:data-ep='data:item.name'>
<svg class='me-1' height='16' viewBox='0 0 16 16' width='16' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='M2 2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v8a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2H2zm3.027 4.002c-.83 0-1.319.642-1.319 1.753v.743c0 1.107.48 1.727 1.319 1.727c.69 0 1.138-.435 1.186-1.05H7.36v.114c-.057 1.147-1.028 1.938-2.342 1.938c-1.613 0-2.518-1.028-2.518-2.729v-.747C2.5 6.051 3.414 5 5.018 5c1.318 0 2.29.813 2.342 2v.11H6.213c-.048-.638-.505-1.108-1.186-1.108zm6.14 0c-.831 0-1.319.642-1.319 1.753v.743c0 1.107.48 1.727 1.318 1.727c.69 0 1.139-.435 1.187-1.05H13.5v.114c-.057 1.147-1.028 1.938-2.342 1.938c-1.613 0-2.518-1.028-2.518-2.729v-.747c0-1.7.914-2.751 2.518-2.751c1.318 0 2.29.813 2.342 2v.11h-1.147c-.048-.638-.505-1.108-1.187-1.108z' fill='currentColor'/></svg> <data:item.name/></span>
<span class='tick-item tick-eps' expr:data-comments='data:post.numberOfComments'><data:post.numberOfComments/></span>
<span class='dot'/>
<b:with value='[&quot;TV&quot;,&quot;Movie&quot;,&quot;OVA&quot;,&quot;ONA&quot;,&quot;Special&quot;,&quot;Donghua&quot;]' var='Type'>
<b:loop index='i' values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:label.name in data:Type'>
<span class='fdi-item' expr:data-type='data:label.name'><data:label.name/></span>
I hope you know what your are doing.
This is not for beginner.
hey min , it is looking like this idk why ? but i think i have added the css correctly only the problem is with the installation of the labels

screenshot : https://ibb.co/bH05zPT

also i have sent an e-mail to you including the screen rec .
please help ,
thanking you in advance ,
Hey Min there is a bug when you add 18 + tag the banner shop in chrome we can continue it by clicking button but in other browser like fire fox it can't click , Also add 18 + tag
How how I can solve my meaning is there to upload one anime we have to put to post 1 for stream and other for series for example I create kaiju no .8 anime with this two lable and when you go to recommended section the both post is showing I want only series post
Stop using <center> tag in 2024[1]
use this instead display: grid;
justify-content: center;
or any other centering method.
For most part, your semantic html was fine, but if we want to optimized your site for movie i recomended using this html structure: <main>


there is no right or wrong, but this is my prefers html structrue.
I usually put images/thumbnail on header tag, to help boost SEO.
Add rel="tag" to genre: <span class="bg-red-600 text-white py-1 px-2 rounded-full text-sm" rel="tag">Drama</span> Add postMeta to your post, without this metadata, search engine would struggle to identifying your blog, impacting your SEO.
brother..if you want everything to be exactly the same. wouldn't it be easier to use a template from hianime/aniwatch. and move from blogspot?! I think everything admin "wernayasa" has done is enough... we just need to wait for the next update, no need for it to be exactly the same (copy paste)..
Hey min I find sum glitches you can tell inproper so kindly fix it

1- The image in Spotlight is blur or can you also modify like custom image on Spotlight
2- The latest Spotlight lable post is showing but I want 3 Spotlight to 1 So how I can do it withow Changing month
3 Trending is Ready but With Trending Lable Rand Trending post is showing I want in proper way So note it like first One piece and second Naruto and 3 Solo leveling but it randomive to 3 to 1 and 1 to 2
401 – 600 of 826

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