1201 – 1400 of 2207

ZeistManga adalah tema komik khusus untuk platform blogger. Sesuai namanya, tema ini khusus dibuat untuk blogger yang hobi sharing komik, tapi jangan salah template ini juga bisa dipakai untuk Novel. Nanti akan dijelaskan label apa yang dipakai untuk novel. Untuk kegunaan fanshare masih belum bisa dipakai, butuh penyesuaian tag.

Template merupakan cloning dari tema EastManga. Meskipun tidak sama tapi kelihatan mirip sedikit.

Update 2.0

addSlider Hot Manga
addHero Background Post
fixColor Picker
modPopular Post

Update 1.5

Memperbaiki gambar overflow di halaman

Update 1.4

+ download box dan notifikasi postingan (Klik Disini)

Mengubah warna tema

Cara mengubah warna tema sangatlah mudah. Cari value="#FF6347". Ganti yang warna merah menurut selera masing-masing.

Posting Info

Postingan ini berisi sinopsis manga/novel, label genre, rating, dan chapter list. Pokoknya yang berhubungan dengan komik.
Gambar Thumbnail
Autolis Chapter Script

Posting Manga Chapter

Postingan ini khusus untuk chapter manga. Postingan manga chapter hanya boleh menerima 3 label yaitu:
  • Chapter
  • Masukkan label komik misalnya: Oregairu
  • Nomor Chapter: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, dst...

Posting Novel Chapter

Postingan ini khusus untuk Novel. Seperti postingan manga, postingan novel hanya boleh menerima 3 label
  • Novel
  • Masukkan label novel misalnya: Ballad of Ten Thousand Gu
  • Nomor Chapter: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, dst...

Mengganti Alamat Disqus

  • Cari code: id='Disqus'
  • Lalu ganti dengan alamat disqusmu: s.src = 'https://scanslation.disqus.com/embed.js'
  • Simpan

Label di bawah ini hanya untuk Postingan Info. Kalau label tidak ada dalam daftar dibawah ini, maka jangan dimasukkan kecuali jika sudah tau cara input database label. Juga jangan bikin label sendiri, wkwkw. Berikut label yang valid:

Label Rating

Score 0.5 Score 1.0 Score 1.5 Score 2.0 Score 2.5 Score 3.0 Score 3.5 Score 4.0 Score 4.5 Score 5.0 Score 5.5 Score 6.0 Score 6.5 Score 7.0 Score 7.5 Score 8.0 Score 8.5 Score 9.0 Score 9.5 Score 10.0

Label Format

Light Novel (JP) Light Novel (KR) Light Novel (CN) Manga Manhua Manhwa Doujinshi

Label Status

Ongoing Completed Cancelled Hiatus Dropped

Label Genre

Action Adventure Comedy Crime Drama Fantasy Historical Horror Isekai Magical Girls Mecha Medical Mystery Philosophical Psychological Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai Shounen Ai Slice of Life Sports Superhero Thriller Tragedy Wuxia Yaoi Yuri

Label Genre2

Adaptation Cooking Harem Loli Mafia Magic Military Music Reincarnation Reverse Harem Samurai School Life Supernatural Survival Time Travel Vampire Video Games Demon Monsters Martial Arts Virtual Reality Demons Monster Girls Monsters Police

Label Demographic

Shounen Shoujo Seinen Josei Mature

Label Content

Ecchi Gore Sexual Violence Smut

Special Thanks to:

Menyumbang Domain .xyz: Rasyidz
Script Chapter Otomatis: Nurhidayat
Live Search and Sorting Comment: Vũ Trần
Next Prev Script: Dagruel
Version Release date Downloads Perubahan
v4.3 Download Lupa
v3.2 Unavailable 4 Changes
v2.1 Unavailable 3 Changes
v1.0 Unavailable Init Release
= v5 (coming soon) =
* Wajib update ke versi ini karena banyak perbaikan dan penambahkan fitur
  • Memperbaiki timeago rilisan di homepage
The short answer is no.
But there are special labels that you can use, for exampleNovelI don't know if it still applies to v4, I forgot because the code is too much to remember.
The next thing you need to modify is:bookPost2.mainItem = ['Manhwa'];To:bookPost2.mainItem = ['Manhwa', 'Novel'];To
I do not endorse third party comments box. If you move your blog or their service closes down, the comments will disappear too.
Blogger's default comments are still the best option.
I listen to your feedback, I will redesign blogger comments to much like Cactus comments.
Be patient, I'll work on it.
I don't have a smartphone to testing it.

Another awesome site. I've installed new comment in the theme.
I love premade component, it makes theme development easy and saves time.

I've tested jsdelivr, the problem is it doesn't work with blogger custom properties eg $(main.color)

Median UI is a great theme, best on the market in my opinion. I could modify it into a manga theme, but I don't have much time to work on other projects anymore.
mau tanya min, itu di post projek asal kita update chapter terbaru tanggalnya kok gak berubah ya min, ngikut tanggal pertama update bukan tanggal hari ini / jam ini
masalahnya ada dimana ya, dari tadi ngotak ngatik sendiri belum dapat solusinya :)
Can you please help? Can I add the nsfw feature in the 'Dame Dame' theme to the zeist manga?

Coming Soon doesn't show. Help me!

Oh, look like i forgot to include Coming Soon On tabs.
Find this code:else "Completed" == i.category[smx].term ? mx = '<span class="absolute com ttu fs-11">Completed</span>' :Then add this after the code above "Coming Soon" == i.category[smx].term ? mx = '<span class="absolute soo ttu fs-11">Coming Soon</span>' : Final result looks like thiselse "Completed" == i.category[smx].term ? mx = '<span class="absolute com ttu fs-11">Completed</span>' : "Coming Soon" == i.category[smx].term ? mx = '<span class="absolute soo ttu fs-11">Coming Soon</span>' :
How can i change the header's search icon to any icon i want?
And how to fix filter dropdown cuted list inside the widget, even i tried "body .widget.BlogSearch {
overflow: unset;
in this template you can add this extra information "volume of the manga, and the chapter"? Ex: Solo Leving Volume 7 : chapter 225. (within the volume has the information until chapter goes this volume). Or similar to mangadex as a label. EX: volume 1,2,3,4,5

and also, do you intend to add "surprise me"?
Min! Apa buat postingan di blogger/blogspot di limit jumlah nya ya? Hari ini aku upload 50+ Chapter Manhwa dan saat mau buat postingan baru di dashboard blogger muncul notif "Tidak Bisa Membuat Postingan Baru" gmn nih min?
Label genre di post info?
caranya isi database dalam var='Demographic'
Cara menulisnya ,"Mylabel"
Cnth:<b:with value='[&quot;Shounen&quot;,&quot;Shoujo&quot;,&quot;Seinen&quot;,&quot;Josei&quot;,&quot;Mature&quot;,"Mylabel"]' var='Demographic'>
Hi there
I tried to see if my blog shows the cookies notification for EU users and I found that the template shows "-->" at the bottom of the page, and when you show the source on the browser you will see "-->" next of "/style" and the code under "/style". Any way to fix that?
Search description cannot be increased.
In my opinion, the best case scenario using descriptions is to use them as SEO keywords.
Example:Read manga online free Mangan Title. Bla bla bla anything related to the most searched keywordsIf you want to put alternative name, you can put then on extra info<div class="y6x11p">Alt Name <span class="dt">Alternative title or japanese title</span></div>
Nggak Bisa Di Screenshot, Tapi Pas Dibuka Ada Bacaan Erorr, Jadi Aku Cari Cara Supaya Keditek Isi Filenya Dengan Mengubah Nama Belakang Filenya Menjadi .tkt, Jadi Bisa Dilihat Isi Tulusnya Deh...

Tapi Kenapa ya Setiap Aku Ngepost Chapter Komik Gambarnya Pada Ngecil Semua Padahal Dulu Nggak Gitu Biarpun Gambarnya Panjang Kebawah/Ngelonjong
Min Cara benerin ini gimana?, jadi pas gw publish dia malah ngikutin waktu hari bukan waktu kapan kita publish. jadi misal gw publish chapter jam 1 siang nah disitu malah 13 hours ago.

Bisakah Bantuin Ngubah Tambilan Blogku: https://komikmars.blogspot.com/

Menjadi Seperti ini: https://www.asupankomik.my.id/

Atau Bisa Juga Template Yg Sudah Diubah Tampilannya Menjadi Seperti ( Asupankomik ), Langsung Kasih Ke Saya, Nanti Saya Yg Pasang
Could you please solve this problem for me? I installed this episode list from Dagruel on the zeist manga, but the first episodes of the series do not appear in the list. how do i fix this?


Untuk slider bisa km nonaktifkan di Tata LetakTata Letak > hero > nonaktifkan HTML widget dan Popular GenreLogo bisa diganti lewa widget header.
Di homepage tuh ada Project dan Update Terbaru itu juga bisa di ganti namanya di Tata Letak.
Pelan2 ya, selesaikan tugas di atas satu-persatu.
Change this label to yours label and do not put %20:clwd.run('Gaikotsu Kishi-sama Tadaima Isekai Odekakechuu');Then put them on your post.
Lets install it one more time. Put them exacly where its look on screenshot.
CSS goes above ]]></b:skin>
JS above </head>
Make sure you have jQuery intalled. Its already there by default.


How to remove this unknow number "20.0001" ?

Find <b:if cond='data:post.numberOfComments gt &quot;0&quot;'>
and remove this code:<b:if cond='data:post.numberOfComments gt &quot;0&quot;'>
<div class='progress-custom mb-15'>
<div class='progress bc-fff s1'>
<div aria-valuemax='100' aria-valuemin='0' aria-valuenow='70' class='progress-bar' expr:style='&quot;width:calc(100% / 15 * &quot; + data:post.numberOfComments + &quot;)&quot;' role='progressbar'><b:eval expr='100 / 15 * data:post.numberOfComments'/></div>
Sorry, I'm tiring you too. But again it didn't. I put it above < /head>. Everything works only one partition list is problematic.

I added first capital letter of serie name in all series post but it's not show all!

Go to Layout > Footer > A-Z List
Can you take a look if I authorize you?

Aku nambahin chapter awal dan terbaru juga hilang chapter 1 nya dan chapter terbaru nya jadi link Series.

Jadi aku edit manual aja Chapter Awal dan terbaru.
tambahin script ini di postingan series jadi bisa. >.<


Size isn't fit with original size! Because of my photo size is too long?

I don't know the jquery code. I didn't touch anything. I am placing this code in the introduction of the series.


But the episode list still doesn't work.


No partition list is working. please help me. I can no longer find a solution.

first i tried zeist manga special episode list. it didn't work. then i installed the episode list i got from dagruel. There was a problem with that list as well.
Here try new ZM_v.4.2.xmlhttps://app.box.com/s/5f1gwj5dngrsgnirnh5zm2wby5gz7bxwBackup your theme before you install newer version.
if the chapter still doesn't appear, there might be a problem with the label you're using.
or maybe you forgot to group them under same label.
The bookmark feature won't work on smartphones. The maker of Vtrick also use this bookmark script and it works on smartphones. Hoping that it will work on the nex version!!! Thank you for providing this template for free!!!
Bang series manganya tiba2 pas dibuka kosong gk ada deskripsi,chapter dan properti2 lainnya kenapa ya? Padahal udh pakek 2 mingguan dan lancar2 aja gk pernah kayak gitu baru hari ini pqs dibukak series komiknya lakok kosong. Pas kubuka di pritinjau malah keluar tulisan "Gagal merender gadget 'Blog1'. There was an error processing the markup."
Kenapa ya, aku gk ngerti akar masalahnya.
Soalnya blogku masih normal, susah untuk melacak masalahnya.
Ini biasa terjadi, pas di save tidak ada error, tapi masalahnya muncul bila temanya di buka.

Dilihat dari errornya mungkin ada parser data: yang salah.

Atau juga kamu menghapus <b:includable tapi lupa menghapus <b:include.

Coba ingat apa yg km ubah.
Gk gk pernah hapus2 bagian html nya bang, tapi yang kosong itu cmn satu series komik bang komik lainnya tetep ada isinya cmn satu komik doang yang pas di buka kosong gk ada deskripsi,chapter dll nya bang.
Kucoba buat series baru tapi komiknya sama malah gk bisa muncul dibagian hot manga padahal udh ditambahin tag sama kyk komik yang kosong tadi pas dibuka.
Broo, Bisa Dibantu Kah Benerin Ini Padahal Aku Udah Ikutin Langkah²nya: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiqG8WKxZfyiyIU_9k3qbkUxVz0SaK8N0k7j82K0K_1GkpjRiezecwS-hjNLh7715pXngeNXhJKjNzCL0NpdNZL3CKoc8z3adilQ2TlWX13vuB-gywQHjhbfnpeXI1z5a3s1S4sUdv8M10z8fWpyYpTj9UZUJwrv9s_KZHg-7pVstDskZILkdRiKPZZ7Q/s1544/Screenshot_20220325_172100.jpg

Gk tau lah bang sulit paste link gambarnya langsung ke sini yaudah tak ganti kyk di atas aja bang itu udh sekalian fotonya jadi satu screenshot label sama html
Sudah Kok Tapi Nggak Bisa: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEilHepahvvKRZdyzXF-N5X_DXaS9aJDZI8N4O5QLqNrsbYhgzltoZAvlQzIBGhOD7QDeOiSJydNhS0cVuso7hVhbbaoCBWWTkT7jYB7rjcS2Qw6PbxMTrZ4C_RXYGBXwdH34ncjf5GOJ8x98hbUlZwM1Jd8BNiaItnAr7rmNOiVK2dSqFEcjIyvSNgL_Q/s716/Screenshot_20220325_183708.jpg
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