1601 – 1800 of 2207

ZeistManga adalah tema komik khusus untuk platform blogger. Sesuai namanya, tema ini khusus dibuat untuk blogger yang hobi sharing komik, tapi jangan salah template ini juga bisa dipakai untuk Novel. Nanti akan dijelaskan label apa yang dipakai untuk novel. Untuk kegunaan fanshare masih belum bisa dipakai, butuh penyesuaian tag.

Template merupakan cloning dari tema EastManga. Meskipun tidak sama tapi kelihatan mirip sedikit.

Update 2.0

addSlider Hot Manga
addHero Background Post
fixColor Picker
modPopular Post

Update 1.5

Memperbaiki gambar overflow di halaman

Update 1.4

+ download box dan notifikasi postingan (Klik Disini)

Mengubah warna tema

Cara mengubah warna tema sangatlah mudah. Cari value="#FF6347". Ganti yang warna merah menurut selera masing-masing.

Posting Info

Postingan ini berisi sinopsis manga/novel, label genre, rating, dan chapter list. Pokoknya yang berhubungan dengan komik.
Gambar Thumbnail
Autolis Chapter Script

Posting Manga Chapter

Postingan ini khusus untuk chapter manga. Postingan manga chapter hanya boleh menerima 3 label yaitu:
  • Chapter
  • Masukkan label komik misalnya: Oregairu
  • Nomor Chapter: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, dst...

Posting Novel Chapter

Postingan ini khusus untuk Novel. Seperti postingan manga, postingan novel hanya boleh menerima 3 label
  • Novel
  • Masukkan label novel misalnya: Ballad of Ten Thousand Gu
  • Nomor Chapter: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, dst...

Mengganti Alamat Disqus

  • Cari code: id='Disqus'
  • Lalu ganti dengan alamat disqusmu: s.src = 'https://scanslation.disqus.com/embed.js'
  • Simpan

Label di bawah ini hanya untuk Postingan Info. Kalau label tidak ada dalam daftar dibawah ini, maka jangan dimasukkan kecuali jika sudah tau cara input database label. Juga jangan bikin label sendiri, wkwkw. Berikut label yang valid:

Label Rating

Score 0.5 Score 1.0 Score 1.5 Score 2.0 Score 2.5 Score 3.0 Score 3.5 Score 4.0 Score 4.5 Score 5.0 Score 5.5 Score 6.0 Score 6.5 Score 7.0 Score 7.5 Score 8.0 Score 8.5 Score 9.0 Score 9.5 Score 10.0

Label Format

Light Novel (JP) Light Novel (KR) Light Novel (CN) Manga Manhua Manhwa Doujinshi

Label Status

Ongoing Completed Cancelled Hiatus Dropped

Label Genre

Action Adventure Comedy Crime Drama Fantasy Historical Horror Isekai Magical Girls Mecha Medical Mystery Philosophical Psychological Romance Sci-Fi Shoujo Ai Shounen Ai Slice of Life Sports Superhero Thriller Tragedy Wuxia Yaoi Yuri

Label Genre2

Adaptation Cooking Harem Loli Mafia Magic Military Music Reincarnation Reverse Harem Samurai School Life Supernatural Survival Time Travel Vampire Video Games Demon Monsters Martial Arts Virtual Reality Demons Monster Girls Monsters Police

Label Demographic

Shounen Shoujo Seinen Josei Mature

Label Content

Ecchi Gore Sexual Violence Smut

Special Thanks to:

Menyumbang Domain .xyz: Rasyidz
Script Chapter Otomatis: Nurhidayat
Live Search and Sorting Comment: Vũ Trần
Next Prev Script: Dagruel
Version Release date Downloads Perubahan
v4.3 Download Lupa
v3.2 Unavailable 4 Changes
v2.1 Unavailable 3 Changes
v1.0 Unavailable Init Release
= v5 (coming soon) =
* Wajib update ke versi ini karena banyak perbaikan dan penambahkan fitur
  • Memperbaiki timeago rilisan di homepage
And how to add N or H like that :

navbar icon?
Change this CSS url[data="Bookmark"]::before {content: url('https://api.iconify.design/fluent/library-20-filled.svg?color=white&height=16');}Watch this : https://youtu.be/nPQ5VUYR4b0?t=734
icon library : https://icon-sets.iconify.design/
How to make the background of the text white?

How to fix?


halo min, saya masih pake V4.1 R2

saya dengan ada update 4.2 dan 4.3


kalau benar ada cara updatenya gimana?
halo min!

cara untuk membuat si gambarnya bisa di simpan link gimana min?
jadi kalau di klik gambarnya jadi masuk ke linknya gitu

kalau yang sekarang ini harus klik si tag h3 nya dulu

terima kasih

adm, how can I make the name of the manga, for example "The Scholar's Reincarnation" colorful as it is on this site: https://prnt.sc/m7kFqe2d-diq

And also how can I put the genres of the manga https://prnt.sc/xb3VLpsNp941 like this?
adm. this upcoming version of the manga template. will it be the last version, or do you intend to add something else (e.g. person asking for such a thing to add in the template)?

what is your next project?

I would like to know if you have a light novel template?
Yes, last version. Just bug fix, no feature update.

Novel theme.
I should be working on another project this year, but this manga template taking huge portion on my time, hahaha...
I feel bad for the light novel fans out there, I keep making promises to them but deliver nothing.

No, i don't have it.
Harus memasang multi script.
Misalkan chapter sudah lebih dari 150.
Paste script ini di bawah yg lama:<script src="/feeds/posts/default/-/The%20Scholar%20Reincarnation?orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=chapterlist&amp;max-results=999&start-index=151"></script>Kalu mencapai 300 paste yg ini di bawah script lama:<script src="/feeds/posts/default/-/The%20Scholar%20Reincarnation?orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=chapterlist&amp;max-results=999&start-index=301"></script>Bedanya di &start-index=xxx
ket: xxx adalah kelipatan 150
Oh iya om request nanti kalo semisal update di kasih file dokumentasi cara update tamplate nya kayak penambahan widget taro di mana atau ada menu yg di hapus, soalnya ribet kalo di bangun ulang lagi dari awal
min saya sudah coba lazy load itu dichapter sudah bisa lazy load nya jalan/berfungsi tapi kalau saya coba dihomepage maksud nya di misal link:zeistmanga.blogspot.com sudah saya ganti jadi data-src gambar dihomepage gambar nya tidak muncul ada gak min lazy load yang buat homepage biar gambar nya muncul
Coba di khususkan aja, lazy load khusus untuk post chapter, yg homepage memakai loading="lazy".
Sudah ku share atau belum ya?
Sebenarnya gk perlu JS untuk lazy load, HTML sdah mendukung lazy load,
cukup tambahkan loading="lazy".<img alt="Gambar" sizes="198px" src="https:testurl.com/gambar.jpeg" loading="lazy">
Lho, kok belum ku pasang loading="lazy" di img homepage, waduh lupa >.<.
Kubuat tag section baru di atas tag section Hero kayak gini
bisa dan berfungsi

Tapi tampilannya default kayak gini https://i.ibb.co/ykTD3yP/Screenshot-20220410-134204.jpg

agar tampilannya kek gini

Caranya gimana ya min?
The texts are too close to the edges. How to fix this?

Put CSS above:]]></b:template-skin>Replace Paste JS here with codpen javascript:<script type='text/javascript'>//<![CDATA[
Paste JS here
Next, copy JS script and paste above </body> or </head> if its not working.

HTML can be anywhere

I don't like codepen script, its seems they never works in blogger.
How can I make the edges of the images oval?

And one more question. How can I add 'Hot' and 'New' tags? Like in this picture.

Replace:.bookItem .snippet-thumbnail img{width:90px;height:auto;object-fit:cover;border-radius:2px;}With:.bookItem .snippet-thumbnail img{width:90px;height:auto;object-fit:cover;border-radius:$(border.radius);}For second picture.
It's new features that I haven't released yet.
Thanks it worked. So how do I make sections not appear on popular posts?

Find this code <!-- Don't render the post that we're currently already looking at. -->Wrap the code with this:<b:with value='data:posts filter (p =&gt; p.labels none (l =&gt; l.name == &quot;Chapter&quot;))' var='posts'>
many code here
Result will looksl like this: <b:with value='data:posts filter (p =&gt; p.labels none (l =&gt; l.name == &quot;Chapter&quot;))' var='posts'>
<!-- Don't render the post that we're currently already looking at. -->
<b:loop index='i' values='data:posts filter (p =&gt; p.id != data:view.postId)' var='post'>
<b:with value='data:i + 1' var='num'>
<figure class='link:hover sac' expr:id='&quot;s&quot; + data:num'>
<b:include name='snippetedPostContent'/>
Your code probably looks different.
The goal here is to wrap b:loop with b:with.
Sorry, admin! This is not related to the template.

You see, I use streamsb for my videos then I embed it on blogspot but there is no thumbnail showing. Is there anyway to display the first frame of the video as a thumbnail in iframe?
The 'New' tag does not appear because the width of the place where I write the section names is small. How can I multiply the width?

Can we make 'new' tags only tag sensitive? It also looks like this in my theme. How do I fix this?

Broo, Ada Yg Tau Kah Gimana Cara Edit Widget Ini Supaya Bisa Dibuka Tutup, Dan Bisa Juga Berkomentar Di Blogger & Disqus Tapi Kalom Komentar nya Nggak Usah Di Rubah Tambahin Aja Komentar Disqus, Bisa Dipilih Mau Berkomentar Di Mana Di Blogger Atau Disqus
Paste above flex aic jcsb mb-20 calc-wn20<div style="background-color: #f59f00;" class='alr grid aic p-15'><svg class='scale-2' viewBox='0 0 24 24'>
<path d='M12 2C11.5 2 11 2.19 10.59 2.59L2.59 10.59C1.8 11.37 1.8 12.63 2.59 13.41L10.59 21.41C11.37 22.2 12.63 22.2 13.41 21.41L21.41 13.41C22.2 12.63 22.2 11.37 21.41 10.59L13.41 2.59C13 2.19 12.5 2 12 2M11 7H13V13H11V7M11 15H13V17H11V15Z' fill='currentColor'/>
</svg> <p class='m-0'>Hello world</p></div>
Hello thanks for the templates I have one problem with the pictures
Sometimes if I'm not refresh the post all pictures on the home page don't showing
when I refresh the post not matter which then all the pictures are showing

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