2601 – 2800 of 3223

ZeistManga v5 - Versi ini merupakan versi terakhir, tapi bukan berarti saya berhenti mengupdatenya.
Update akan terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kestabilan dan penambahan fitur baru.

Ada beberapa code lama yang dihapus, jika kamu update dari versi 1-3, kemungkinan akan banyak yang tidak berfungsi. Juga penghapusan beberapa code yang tidak penting agar tema ini sedikit ramping. Mudah-mudahan tidak menimbulkan masalah.

v5.5 – 19 Februari 2024

  • Fixed - Perbaikan CSS, lupa apa yang diubah
  • New - Novel Mode (put label: Novel)
  • New - Related Post
  • New - Slider
  • New - BloggerScript 1.2
  • New - Pagination Series homepage
  • Remove - Hot Manga

Apa saja yang baru

  • Font fira sans
  • Back to top
  • History reading
  • Download chapter
  • Homepage layout mode
Reading History (Vu Tran)
Recent Post Blogger Widget 3
Random Post Slider // Dragable + Mouse Wheels
Script dari dagruel
Version Release date Downloads Perubahan
v5.2 Download 4 Changes
v5.1 Unavailable 3 Changes
v5.0 Unavailable Init Release
= v5.2 =
= Berkas ZIP =
  • bookmark.xml
  • post.format.xml
  • ZeistManga_v5.0.xml
Thank you for the answer, being able to edit and tag Manhwa, Manhua and Manga, the only one that wasn't the Novel.

The first and from the Omnicient Reader's post markers:

The second is the screenshot of the blogger's home page after trying to place the Novel marker:

Sorry for any inconvenience.
Remove this: <a class='menu-item svg14 flex aic' href='https://zeistmanga-bt.blogspot.com/p/bookmark.html'><svg aria-hidden='true' height='1em' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet' role='img' viewBox='0 0 24 24' width='1em' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'><path d='M5.5 3A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 7 4.5v15A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 5.5 21h-2A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 2 19.5v-15A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 3.5 3h2Zm6 0A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 13 4.5v15a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.5 1.5h-2A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 8 19.5v-15A1.5 1.5 0 0 1 9.5 3h2Zm7.281 3.124l3.214 12.519a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.08 1.826l-1.876.48a1.5 1.5 0 0 1-1.826-1.08L13.999 7.354a1.5 1.5 0 0 1 1.08-1.826l1.876-.483a1.502 1.502 0 0 1 1.826 1.08Z' fill='currentColor'/></svg><span class='sm:dn'>Bookmark</span></a> Add menu at layout > Pages.
The slider on the computer is more elongated than on the phone, how can I reduce the margins or borders so that it does not go beyond the Hot Sleeve, that is, so that the margins are the same?
Image: https://postimg.cc/FYfhDg8F
Being able to adjust all the video tutorial options after I create another blog, there are probably some problems due to the date of the posts.

The only problem I had was when I started putting the "Series" label, which also occurs in the V5 demo, they are not paired side by side but one below the other.

O link do blog: https://testenoivelsa.blogspot.com/
That's because you copied a script different from your theme or you made some changes. Just copy the class of the img. Search for img = $('div.grid div.a1 figure img').attr('src'), in your bookmark script and change it, it will become like this img = $('img.full.r2.md-w120').attr('src'),
no i have changed the manga page code
const list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('bookmark'));
//Retrieve Data From Post
const id = $(this).data('id'),
name = $('article.oh.a2 header h1.mb-6').text().replace('\n',''),
link = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + location.pathname,
img = $('div.grid div.a1 figure img').attr('src'),
status = $('aside.s1 div.y6x11p:nth-child(1) span.dt a').text().replace('\n',''),
type = $('aside.s1 div.y6x11p:nth-child(2) span.dt a').text().replace('\n','');

so i have about 5 nested div and 1 article tag in between the first and last
i want to know how to change the path to my img more correctly i tried like (div.class article div.class div.class div.class div.class h1.class ) maybe is wrong any adivese
Tidak bisa. Bisa di beri warna kalau add class baru yg di inject kakaya di postingan.
Coba tambahkan class bookmark pada: hartomy-bookmark-btn Hasilnya: bookmark hartomy-bookmark-btn yg penting ada add class di tombol itu.
Stylenya itu bisa di atur. Biarkan aja.
Aku mau liat apakah ada class yang ditambahkan.
Sorry for the lack of understanding, I said "they are not paired side by side, but one below the other", in the way that instead of being a slide in which the posts appear side by side, they are actually one below the other. I saw that the problem that appears on my blogger is also appearing in the demo.

I would also like to ask if it happened to you too, an error when posting chapters with images, such as manhwas, mangas and manhuas, here my chapters are blurred and the zoom seems to be at maximum.
I can only get the image to match if I copy the image link on some specific scan sites after inspecting and copying the image link, so it works normally.
Ternyata bookmarnya berfungsi, cuman ada kesalahan saat membuat minified JS.
//<![CDATA[Tidak boleh di minified, kalau di minified harus buat satu baris baru.
Ini contoh yg salah: //<![CDATA[ var dbHiru_view=" Ini menyebabkan view counter tidak berfungsi.
Cara memperbaikinya buat satu baris baru: //<![CDATA[
var dbHiru_view="
Untuk /*<![CDATA[*/ boleh satu baris.
I placed the labels, on the home page it shows the posted chapter, but on the Novel page the chapter still doesn't appear.

Home page capture: https://prnt.sc/hIkyG3UwSHnJ

Novel Capture: https://prnt.sc/6dLIIWyMICva
I managed to solve it, but the chapters that I updated in a novel also appear next door even though they don't have the same tag. I would also like to resolve the label, it doesn't show up all the chapters when I click or none when I search.

Screenshot of the initial Pagian: https://prnt.sc/OjqahIPcNd2_

Screenshot label: https://prnt.sc/w2HW1NhNp875

Search screenshot: https://prnt.sc/Og5m5cCd5pMx
Hi, I create second Channel because I got banned from my main channel.
There are 6 parts (for now), this is all basic stuff, nothing crazy here.

This is legal, no code has been stolen.
We are using screenshots to measure the width and height of the Anix website.
For colors, we are using the Tailwind color scheme. We probably should switch to stone color rather than gray.

I'm not gonna share the source code, but I encourage anyone to start learn making their own theme.

Site: [Demo]
Hey there, I encountered an issue with v5.4 where there are double next and previous buttons showing up in the novel chapter. I tried removing the title label which fixed the problem, but it caused the chapter list to disappear in the series post. Any tips on how to resolve this?
Once I had uploaded over 250 chapters, the chapter list suddenly vanished. It seemed as though there was a limit on how many chapters could be displayed at once; between 245 and 250 chapters would appear, but anything beyond that would cause the list to disappear altogether.
Honestly, I've experimented with another novel template from Rasgane before, and encountered the same issue - around chapter 245-250, the chapter list mysteriously disappears. I'm starting to believe that it's not just a labeling problem.Honestly, I've experimented with another novel template from Rasgane before, and encountered the same issue - around chapter 245-250, the chapter list mysteriously disappears. I'm starting to believe that it's not just a labeling problem.
Ok, thank you.
I found few issue. - Applying label The Journey of Projection Upgrading to chapter 245 can cause an error
- Applying more than 50 labels at same time can cause an error
Here is what you have to do: Remove label : The Journey of Projection Upgrading from chapter 245 If the the problem still persist, proceed to next step: - Remove label The Journey of Projection Upgrading from all posts
- Apply label: The Journey of Projection Upgrading from last 20 posts chapter at same time
- except post chapter 245
[Full Chapter except 245]
[Applying 20 label at same time]
Yang di YouTube sama yang ada di kodingan xml ZeistManga V5 nggak sama min, jadi agak bingung untuk cara nambahin yang khusus untuk label Manga, Manhua sama Manhwa yang ada di Zeistmanga V5 yang ada cuma "Project Update" sama "Latest Release" min.
Kalau bisa min saya undang saja ke blogger saya min, mau gak? Bingung aku nya....
okee makasih kak wernayasa, nanti akan aku cobaa.
oh iya mau tanya sekalian, tau ga ya kenapa tag element li pada widget notification di web [Equal] ga bisa muncul pada homepage yaa? sedangkan pada post series/chapter bisa muncul, tolong bantu check kak.

widget notification itu akan muncul setiap awal masuk ke web, atau bisa dipanggil lewat button di icon profile pada header (pilih notification).
Untuk yang Manga min, kodingannya min bagaimana min? Untuk Manhua sama Manhwa nya udah bisa tapi Manga nya masih belum.
Yang ini kodingan Manhua:

div id="myProject" class="myGrid"
script bookPost.run('Project', 50)/script
iyaa sedih huhuuu, bingung mau mulai dari mana ini cssnya, mau coba satu2 ganti setiap class yang nabrak tapi takut tambah bug awowkkw.

oke deh kak aku tunggu yaa, makasih udah mau sempetin check web kuu, semoga bisa fix it css yang nabrak ini hehe ^^
Remove this code: <div class='tabx flex lsn p-6 m-10 tac tab r4'>
<span class='active f1 r3 cp' data-tab='PopularPosts3'>Mingguan</span>
<span class='f1 r3 cp' data-tab='PopularPosts4'>Bulanan</span>
<span class='f1 r3 cp' data-tab='PopularPosts5'>Semua</span>

$(&#39;.tabx span&#39;).click(function(){
var tab_id = $(this).attr(&#39;data-tab&#39;);

$(&#39;.tabx span&#39;).removeClass(&#39;active&#39;);


Cari dan hapus css ini: @media (min-width: 1024px) {
.swiper-slide {
height: 50vh;
.swiper-slide {
width: 100%;
height: 250px;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
*/: ;
Ubah html navigasi menjadi: <!-- If we need navigation buttons -->
<div class="swiper-button-prev new-nav-prev"></div>
<div class="swiper-button-next new-nav-next"></div>

Ubah config navigasi menjadi: navigation: {
nextEl: '.new-nav-next',
prevEl: '.new-nav-prev',
Intinya menambahkan new-nav- class di config dan html
Class nya bentrok dengan css swiper lain, .swiper-button-next dan .swiper-button-prev
Ntar malam dicari solusinya.
udah aku check emang yang masalah itu di bagian prev next nya nabrak, karena yang manual ini gada stylenya, udah aku benerin kak, makasih yaaa.

oh iyaa, masih ada kendala pada imagenya, ga tau kenapa aku coba ganti imagenya tapi hasilnya kepotong, coba check di [demo], itu banner pertama jinx, covernya kepotong awowkkw.
2601 – 2800 of 3223

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