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HexaNime v3

HexaNime adalah tema blogger buat streaming anime. Tema ini merupakan generasi ke 2 tema streaming yg di develop EmissionHex.

Template Blogger ini dapat dipakai untuk situs Unduh Film dan Tonton Online. Ada kategori berbeda jika kalian ingin membuat batch aninme.

Template ini juga sepenuhnya responsif, dan menyesuaikan tampilan di ponsel, beradaptasi dengan tampilan tampilan app apabila diapaki di ponsel.


Min ini baru beli hexa masi ada bug.. pas ngecilin browser tampilan pada web tidak rapih. Beda sama yang yugen, tadi salah beli tapi ini juga bagus, cuma karena bug ini jadi nanggung bet
hello min , can you please tell me how to create this type of system like when label "Streaming" is added to a post it should only show a post code which i want to show and nothing else than that ?
This is the key code: <!-- Post Series and Chapter -->
<b:include cond='data:view.isPost and data:post.labels none ( l =&gt; l.name in [&quot;Chapter&quot;] )' data='post' name='post'/>
<b:include cond='data:view.isPost and data:post.labels any (l =&gt; l.name == &quot;Chapter&quot;)' data='post' name='postChapter'/>
Paste inside id='postCommentsAndAd' or find anything similar.
the risk is always there. Not only on Blogger, all anime and movie streaming websites including WordPress will also be at risk of being suspended. because all of them are copyrighted. if you already know that. Start backing up all data on the web. always.
If you want, BloggerScript version.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('button[id^="tab-"]');
const postsContainer = document.getElementById('posts-container');
let currentLabel = 'Series'; // Default label

// Function to fetch posts with a specific label
function fetchPostsByLabel(label) {
// Clear the posts container
postsContainer.innerHTML = '';

// Determine the number of posts to fetch based on screen size
const isDesktop = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 1024px)").matches;
const maxResults = isDesktop ? 12 : 8;

const bS = new BloggerScript({
'sizeImage': 's360',
'label': label,
'max-results': maxResults,
'noImage': 'https://via.placeholder.com/150'
bS.run(posts => {
if (posts.length > 0) {
posts.forEach(post => {
const title = post.title || 'No Title';

const postCard = `
<div class="bg-[#201f31] text-white rounded-lg overflow-hidden transform transition hover:scale-105 hover:shadow-lg m-[4px]">
<div class="thumbnail-container aspect-w-7 aspect-h-10">
<img src="${post.image}" alt="${title}" class="w-full h-full object-cover" style="border-radius: 10px;">
<div class="center-icon">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="36" height="36" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="white" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M4.5 5.653c0-1.427 1.529-2.33 2.779-1.643l11.54 6.347c1.295.712 1.295 2.573 0 3.286L7.28 19.99c-1.25.687-2.779-.217-2.779-1.643z" clip-rule="evenodd"/></svg>
<div class="p-[8px] text-center" style="padding-top: 5px;">
<h2 class="text-base font-bold text-white-400 truncate">
<span class="dots bg-green-500 inline-block w-2 h-2 rounded-full mr-2"></span>${title}
postsContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', postCard);
} else {
postsContainer.innerHTML = '<p>No posts found for this label.</p>';

// Add event listeners to tabs
tabs.forEach(tab => {
tab.addEventListener('click', function () {
// Remove active class from all tabs
tabs.forEach(t => t.classList.remove('bg-gray-100', 'dark:bg-gray-700', 'text-red-500'));

// Add active class to the clicked tab
this.classList.add('bg-gray-100', 'dark:bg-gray-700', 'text-red-500');

// Update the current label
currentLabel = this.id.replace('tab-', '');
fetchPostsByLabel(currentLabel.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + currentLabel.slice(1));

// Fetch 'Series' posts by default on page load
const tabs = document.querySelectorAll('button[id^="tab-"]');
- memilih semua elemen button yang ada attr id yang berisi "tab-"

currentLabel = this.id.replace('tab-', '');:
- kalau di klik labelnya akan berubah sesuai id nya. contoh, tab yang diklik berisi id=tab-movie, maka currentLabel akan menjadi 'Movie'.
Remove: div.comment-replies {
margin-top: 1rem !important;
margin-left: -20px !important;
Replace with: div.comment-replies {
margin-top: 1rem !important;
padding-left: 50px;
div.comment-replies li {
position: relative;
Use CSS injection with condition: <b:class cond='data:view.isHomepage' name='grid grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fill,minmax(130px,1fr))] lg:grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fill,minmax(206px,1fr))] auto-cols-[minmax(204px,1fr)] gap-4'/> Paste the code bellow wrapper, this code its will inject CSS on parent element.
Using various cond: to set a rule on different pages.
This is advance technique technique that I often use.
[Blogger CSS Injection]
Hello, I made the purchase a short time ago but I'm facing some problems, on the home page the carousel posts are not appearing, can you tell me how to solve it? Trending is not showing either
min im giving some bug reports i recently faced
- Homepage Not available for mobile view
- Top 10 not available for mobile View
- Scedule and other Settings which are on bottom not working
this are some bugs
To create responsive you need to add md:
Create new wrap: <div class="grid md:grid-cols-[1fr_330px]"> Final result looks like this: <div class="grid md:grid-cols-[1fr_330px]">
<div id="sidebar-home" class="bg-white dark:bg-neutral-800 shadow mb-5 section">
<main class="my-5 xl:my-10">
got it min . also can you please help me i am trying to make the popular post widget to show popular posts with label "Anime" but i am not getting what to do i tried data:postlabel cond but it did not work .

my snippetpost code : https://github.com/anixrealm/-Widgets/blob/main/error%20in%20popular%20posts
Check newer update.
How to fix latest update:
- go to post list > click label Series
- scroll down until all post visible
- mark all post > remove label Series
- mark 3 post > add label Series
- mark all post > add label Series
There are some issue with blogger import post.
The content itself is the issue, Google scans your content and flags it.
If you upload your content to another blog, you blog might be banned too, though it doesn't happen every time.

Here's what you can do: create a new blog and post some random articles. Wait until it gets locked. Then, appeal to get your blog back. If your blog is restored, you can use it without worrying about it being locked again. This is just my experience, and there's no proof it will work.

The title of this post seems cursed,
you can't create a post with this title: The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
hello min please check that repo , error was not solved also i am using base theme when i put tag anime it showed the posts without filtering the posts with anime label , showing only 4 posts , i have updated the code with 2 popularpost sections . please help
actually min i am working on a popular post section in which popularpost1 should show the top 10 of posts with label "Anime" whereas the popularpost2 will show the top 10 of posts with label "Episode" . but i do not know why it is not working on the base theme i tried the recent code from you also but it did not worked 😭😭
thanks min it worked , the problem is solved i was just adding the wrong label to it .

also i want to tell min that i am working on a theme which has both Anime + Manga .
my design is inspired from moopa but i will redesign it into an original design with the coming updates of my theme .

can you please give me permission to learn about chapter connection to the manga post like in zeistmanga v5 ? like if there is a manga and if i add a label Chapter 1 Hunter X Hunter so i will automatically add the chapter to the chapter list
From experience there is something called a black list, it is like a blacklist for uploading something strong or strange names. I recommend you use a new account and a VPN to create a blog again. After creating it, give it a try now and publish your things. The time is to see if it bans you again.
yupp ! my moopa clone is almost complete

Credits :
EmissionHex min for popularPosts section help and Base Theme and Chapter Fetch Logic From ZeistManga V5

Mobile Nav Bar Inspired From Hexanime V1 and used Demo Posts For Testing

things left :
Slider ( need help 😭)
Manga Chapter ( will be added in 1-2 days . code is completed )
Schedule ( Taking Permission to use Base Code From Rasgane bro )
Bookmark ( Igniel Bookmark or maybe taking permission from dayat sis )
It usually happens in all the posts when you put an episode and watch at least 5 seconds and you change it for the next button or the table button, it only happens on mobile devices. And also the anime rating when I put it does not appear as if I had removed the series tag for example: 5.3 etc. I hope that is the problem. my main site this:https://www.douanime.net
hello min , can you please help me with the manga chapter reading code . like in my moopa clone i tried adding a chapter list but the manga reading page is some tricky thing 😭. can you please help me with that ?
thanking you ,
anix realm
thank you bro , i am feeling better from before but it think i can release the theme by 31st Oct , 2024 only because my college has started .
Also i have given you Admin Access for Moopa Bt , can you please help with the theme a bit for the manga reading portion?
thanking you ,
Anix Realm
oke makasih min, kemarin udah nemu kok pas check di template, ternyata udah ada tag b:with untuk mendefinisikan beberapa varial, yang aku lihat ada beberapa hal:
Berikut adalah daftar lengkap nilai yang digunakan dalam kode tersebut, dipisahkan dengan koma:

1. **Genre2:** Yaoi, Yuri
2. **Genre:** Action, Adventure, Comedy, Demons, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Game, Gore, Harem, Historical, Horror, Isekai, Josei, Magic, Martial Arts, Mecha, Military, Music, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Romcom, School, School Life, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Shoujo, Shoujo Ai, Shounen, Shounen Ai, Slice of Life, Sports, Super Power, Supernatural, Survival, Thriller, Tragedy, Vampire
3. **Language:** SUB, DUB, Viral
4. **Type:** TV, Movie, OVA, ONA, Special, Donghua
5. **Quality:** WEB-DL, BD, CAM, HD, HDCAM
6. **Status:** Ongoing, Completed, Cancelled, Hiatus, Dropped, Coming Soon
7. **Mode:** Series, Stream, Episode

min di lebar layar seluler, headernya berubah jadi navigasi menu mobile buttom yaa? nah bisa kah di setting jadi tetep ada header di saat mode seluler? tapi menu navigasi bottomnya di mode seluler tetep ada?
oh tempat yang sama, aku pikir selain pasang disitu harus pasang di variabel element lain juga.

oh iya min, untuk CN, KR, sama JP di label country apakah masih berlaku, jika iya kenapa tidak ada di <b:width nya? atau di tempat lain setting nya untuk menambahkan label negara lain?

Aku penah nyoba sampai 300 post, tidak masalah.

Aku ingin tanya, sudah berapa kali kamu upload post hari ini?
Di blogger maksimal 5 kali upload post DI SEMUA AKUN.
Tunggu sampai besok baru reset kembali.

Setelah di download, format code dengan prettier di vsCode.
Hapus tag entry <entry>
Coba hapus 500 post dulu.
Tutorial: [Link]
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