
Skrip untuk generate post anime otomatis dengan memasukkan id Anilist.

V1.1.0 [1/10/2024]
  - Tombol Mode Anime/Manga Screenshot
V1.0.1 [1/10/2024]
  - Update Ui
  - Update Tanggal Post
V1.0.0 beta
  - Support multi post

Tools bermanfaat dari developer lain.


Konsepnya cukup sederhana:

  • Masukkan id Anilist
  • Dapatkan json file
  • Convert json ke post format export xml
  • Download file xml
  • Import post di pengaturan

Ide ini dari postingan rasgane: Generator Demo Post

Bedanya, ini bukan demo post, melainkan post Series sudah diolah.

Yg tidak berfungsi:

File xml tidak valid apabila diupload ke blogger, sudah aku copy format Rasgane namun tetap tidak bisa.

Fitur ingin ditambahkan:

  • Opsi untuk input multiple id
  • Untuk saat ini, generatornya hanya bisa membuat 1 post Seriese (tidak efesien)

Apa yang sudah selesai:

Konversi judul

"romaji": "Ookami to Koushinryou: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF",
<title type='text'>Spice and Wolf: MERCHANT MEETS THE WISE WOLF</title>

Konversi Label

"genres": [
"Romance" ],
<category scheme='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind' term='http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008/kind#post'/> <category scheme='http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#' term='Adventure'/> <category scheme='http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#' term='Fantasy'/> <category scheme='http://www.blogger.com/atom/ns#' term='Romance'/>

Gambar hanya ilustrasi.

Untuk UI sebenarnya akan saya kembangkan setelah skripnya selesai.

Bisa kali lihat dari demo, post seris tidak muncul saat diupload.

Penemuan baru.
Import kontent hanya boleh 5 kali dalam sehari.
bagaimana caranya? aku sedang mengembangkan project comment blogger section with image post.

project ini baru aku kerjakan sekitar 2 hari yang lalu, tetapi terkendala menggunakan api blogger untuk upload imagenya.

apakah kamu punya akun telegram? aku ingin mengobrol denganmu lebih lanjut
aku sudah baca dokumentasi api blogger dimana2, tapi tetap saja tidak ada yang tau tentang upload image blogger langsung di website tanpa menggunakan dashboard post blogger.

secara dokumentasi tertulis sepertinya tidak ada, cuman aku berpikir jika blogger menyediakan api yang terkait dengan postingan, seharusnya juga menyediakan api yang terkait dengan gambar, karena tanpa gambar bagaimana sebuah postingan bisa lengkap?
Minta tutorial untuk mendapatkan acess token. const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
const blogId = 'YOUR_BLOG_ID'; // Ganti dengan ID blog kamu
const accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'; // Token otorisasi pengguna, perlu menggunakan OAuth 2.0

API key dan blog id sudah ada, kurang accessToken.
Aku bingung dimana tempat mencarinya.
maksud aku kamu tau kah cara pakai api blogger untuk upload image with blogger?

yang dimana upload image pakai blogger langsung di websitenya tanpa harus login dashboardnya?

aku hanya ingin tau hal ini, siapa tau kamu udah menemukan caranya, mangkanya aku bertanya padamu soal hal ini.
emang bisa ya akses token ini pakai punya orang lain? bukannya akses token ini berfungsi untuk keamanan dan otentikasi pengguna? yang dimana Akses token memastikan bahwa hanya pengguna yang berwenang yang dapat memposting konten ke blog dan dapat dipastikan bahwa konten diunggah atas nama pengguna yang benar?
aku juga bingung cara dapatin akses tokennya, ini aku nemu caranya dari youtube, tapi pas aku coba ga bisa awowkkw.

client_id=(isi dengan id client kamu)
redirect_uri=(isi url web kamu)

nah coba gabungkan setiap baris diatas, aku pakai cara ini buat dapatin akses tokennya, tapi ga berhasil, halaman tidak tersedia awowk

oh sudah bisa minnnn, salah link, pakai caraku ini buat dapatin tokennyaaaa.

yup, mangkanya tadi aku sedikit janggal waktu kamu bilang tinggal ganti id saja.
ini aku udah nemu caranya upload image with blogger, thanks bro gara2 kamu aku jadi tambah kepo lagi tadi, and then yaps berhasil now.

cuman code ini ini hanya bekerja untuk upload image with blogger aja (mungculin link imagenya aja), projectku ga sampai sejauh itu buat post ke bloggernya secara otomatis.
Blm ada yang dikuasai, masih ngerti sedikit, mungkin PHP script yang lumayan dimengerti menurut saya pribadi, Oh iya post episode + link streaming otomatis sudah ditambahkan, ngambil link embed dari vidsrc, superemberd dan Aniverse
Cek update terbaru, sudah support multi entry.
Bukan multiple id ya, tombol add entry ini untuk menambahkan entry baru di bawah entry lama. - Masukkan id anilist.co
- Klik tombol fetch data
- Klik tombol convert json to xml
- Masukkan id baru
- Klik tombol Add entry
- Masukkan id baru
- Klik tombol Add entry dst...
Aku bukan programer, jadinya banyak klik tombol sana sini.
Karena chatGPT gratis dibatasi, pembuatan skrip ini jadi lama.
Silahkan komentar kalau ada saran baru.
Udah Nemu solusi agar bisa digunakan massal script yg kubuat kemarin, solusi nya invite email yg terkait ke blog yg ingin di terapkan Tanpa harus dijadikan admin, minusnya postingannya di tulis oleh email dari idclient nya
menarik fiturnya.
kalau pakai koma sebagai pemisah
idAnilist1, idAnilist2, idAnilist3
lalu langsung fecth semuanya secara berurutan mungkin bisa dilakukan.

kalau punyaku sih kayak gini (ini code lama v2.0 belum ada pengembangan lanjutan) [Link]
agak kurang flexsibel datanya.

yg punya api blogger cobain fitur post bloggernya bekerja apa gak diblog.. seingatku dilocalhost bekerja.
Iya, kayaknya bisa.
Rencanaku juga begitu, bisa support multiple id.

Skrip ini sensitif, aku harus hati2 nambah fitur baru.
Susah di test juga, karena dibatasi jumlah import konten sebanyak 5 kali dalam sehari.
Kalau ada yg rusak, harus nunggu sampai besok baru bisa diperbaiki.

Skripmu lebih flexible untuk custom post,
karena formatnya bisa diedit langsung dan di save di browser, nilai plus besar.
Skripku lebih kaku.
Mode Manga/Anime sudah ditambahkan.
ada beberapa yang ganjal menurut ku jika menggunakan script upload contentnya

1. Ada Kemungkinan Akses upload Content Post akan dibatasi jika terlalu sering digunakan
2. Terlalu Memakan banyak waktu
3. Code Post mode Html Berantakan jika mengunakan metode upload content
Konsep ini untuk menunjukan lain membuat post.
Aneh sih, tapi bisa berfungsi.

1. Benar, 5 kali upload dalam sehari dan maksimal 100 post.
2. Setuju, seharusnya dibikih lebih simple, tidak banyak klik tombol.
3. Salah, codenya tidak berantakan.
Menurutku konsep seperti ini bagus. https://codehiru.blogspot.com/2024/09/generator-post-all-codepost.html 1. Tidak terkunci pada satu format, bisa kita custom format kita sendiri
2. Save dari browser dan gunakan selanjutnya
3. Bikin custom post baru, lalu aku simpan di Preset 1
4. Bikin custom post 2, simpan di Preset 2
5. Kalau aku ingin kembali ke preset 1, tinggal klik Preset 1
6. Mungkin ada prebuild preset seperti, Yugen, Asflix, Hexanime dll
7. Preset bisa didownload
gk kepikiran bikin preset, import dan export..
aku gak tau code postnya apa aja..

didalam file rendering.js
bisa isi aja dikode ini

const presetDefault = {
yugen: `Code post Yugen`,
hexanime: `Code post Hexanime`,
perlu data format lain disini, spasi ganti pakai _

code udah diupdate v2.1
<!--[ Synopsis ]-->
<div id="synopsis">
<p>Goblins are known for their ferocity, cunning, and rapid reproduction, but their reputation as the lowliest of monsters causes their threat to be overlooked. Raiding rural civilizations to kidnap females of other species for breeding, these vile creatures are free to continue their onslaught as adventurers turn a blind eye in favor of more rewarding assignments with larger bounties.</p>

<p>To commemorate her first day as a Porcelain-ranked adventurer, the 15-year-old Priestess joins a band of young, enthusiastic rookies to investigate a tribe of goblins responsible for the disappearance of several village women. Unprepared and inexperienced, the group soon faces its inevitable demise from an ambush while exploring a cave. With no one else left standing, the terrified Priestess accepts her fate—until the Goblin Slayer unexpectedly appears to not only rescue her with little effort, but destroy the entire goblin nest.</p>

<p>As a holder of the prestigious Silver rank, the Goblin Slayer allows her to accompany him as he assists the Adventurer's Guild in all goblin-related matters. Together with the Priestess, High Elf, Dwarf, and Lizardman, the armored warrior will not rest until every single goblin in the frontier lands has been eradicated for good.</p>


<!--[ Thumbnail ]-->
<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjsHoJra-IdK-WbTh8wXQ1wQLTMrWFroEY3RxyBTwsswVTH1o5v-fbE29a01xqiENB5kd1vmgbxOO3ksB1fOLXep-0Qe0W-myciuMoj9PTDxGXYfP1giuNTbz5K8S3I9A1QlnYr03HPG2LjOdO4lZDkl4mBogZN04ENziJN6Bh3MOpYDITJA6fc7mr6EQ/s600/101329l.jpg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" height="200" data-original-height="600" data-original-width="425" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjsHoJra-IdK-WbTh8wXQ1wQLTMrWFroEY3RxyBTwsswVTH1o5v-fbE29a01xqiENB5kd1vmgbxOO3ksB1fOLXep-0Qe0W-myciuMoj9PTDxGXYfP1giuNTbz5K8S3I9A1QlnYr03HPG2LjOdO4lZDkl4mBogZN04ENziJN6Bh3MOpYDITJA6fc7mr6EQ/s200/101329l.jpg"/></a></div>

<!--[ Extra information ]-->
<dl id="extra-info">
<span><dt>Synonym:</dt><dd> Goblin Slayer </dd></span>
<span><dt>Aired:</dt><dd>Apr 7, 2018 to ?</dd></span>
<span><dt>Premiered:</dt><dd>Fall 2018</dd></span>

<!--[ Seasons ]-->
<h2 class="title">More Seasons</h2>
<div class="os-list" data-jumlah='10' data-label='Series/DanMachi'></div>

<!--[ Episode List ]-->
<script>const labelListBS = 'DanMachi s2';</script>
Izin modif UI nya.
Aku pengen buat blog khusus post generator.
<!--[ Synopsis ]-->
<div id="synopsis">
<p>"The New Gate" is an online life-or-death game with tens of thousands of players. Thanks to Shin, the most skilled veteran player, the other players will finally be released from the game. Shin has killed the last boss and believes he is finally able to escape when he is blinded by a flash of mysterious light. He awakes to find himself in the game's world 500 years later! So begins a new chapter in the life of an unsurpassed legendary player!</p>

<p>(Source: Alpha Manga)</p>


<!--[ Thumbnail ]-->
<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiv9td9kuMXhe-kYSoBqAgR1vSm1SQNu5Ib-ET_ITfUYRlLviIcGga58xVHvJ1WW-pkjP6qR4OxYC4ahPhI9_IeaGjsIAs2ZL_EVFjp3R2NnQy9Ji6GulMVj4LWrygvfoa_j6lks0o00DstJNQnYMoGbigH3JU7k8TAtr3GAm4tZ4n5X-BQmU3ODazBdyEB/s650/the-new-gate.jpeg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" height="200" data-original-height="650" data-original-width="460" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiv9td9kuMXhe-kYSoBqAgR1vSm1SQNu5Ib-ET_ITfUYRlLviIcGga58xVHvJ1WW-pkjP6qR4OxYC4ahPhI9_IeaGjsIAs2ZL_EVFjp3R2NnQy9Ji6GulMVj4LWrygvfoa_j6lks0o00DstJNQnYMoGbigH3JU7k8TAtr3GAm4tZ4n5X-BQmU3ODazBdyEB/s200/the-new-gate.jpeg"/></a></div>

<!--[ Hero Background ]-->
.banner {
background-image: url("https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh8ZH355UZvtuZ0NUn6HfCo_042Y1QJNuZElEz0Apfq94qPLe0ZN9GIwieycsIsvcHP0Vdl-yTiqZ0AtP82jz-ATWi8otFyliE75x6CFsfNd04fhoakxoVvfLiFhjHe8sy1GZDU8_8eygnT_gCBFnDvqKdwVMS-xLvUNUHGXzXg2nJoOVggUfDf6JPclZpD/s2056/_the-new-gate-hero-bg.jpg");

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/3XUJOkFXRiw?si=KfR0AfyYLoYZe-Yq" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<!--[ Extra information ]-->
<dl id="extra-info">
<span><dt>Romaji:</dt><dd>Solo Leveling</dd></span>
<span><dt>Synonyms:</dt><dd>The Laid-back Life in Another World of the Ex-Hero Candidate Who Turned out to be a Cheat from Level 2, Chillin Different World Life of the Ex-Brave Candidate was Cheat from Lv2</dd></span>
<span><dt>Studios:</dt><dd>Yokohama Animation Lab, Cloud Hearts</dd></span>
<span><dt>Episodes Duration:</dt><dd>23 min per ep</dd></span>
hello i am back , i am Anix Realm if remember . i am working on moopa bt . This anime post fetcher looks cool 🥰. Btw can i contribute to this project a bit if needed ? also can i know are you using Anilist API method to fetch data or something or the other ?
mungkin karena tagnya bentrok.

dalam kasusku..
karena tag script pembuka dan penutup gak bener,
tag penutup malah ke tag script Episode List, anehnya kodeku tetap jalan walau tag penutup Episode list jadi hilang pas muncul ditextarea..

aku atasinya pakai cara '+'

<!--[ Episode List ]-->
<script>const labelListBS = '{{title}}';</scr` + `ipt>`,
Request ZeistManga v5 <span><!--more--></span>
<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiuHXXFrWE41qTVAMFaytXjre5JXdoJfUg75G8Rmh4SPGthqFTN3fvJCVAoQbMhFo98I9ABrbUuj5GqMQOxHL-aeg4QjCxuEqynca5xjKPsDDZktRKC3Vg0HrnOQ2KriUuY-x_YIvyi-XSy1N1gtKdHsjfpi_em69SihACjoW3iPgyKsJY3yXEm4XRz4w/s2560/Moto%20Sekai%20Ichi.jpg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" height="200" data-original-height="2560" data-original-width="1800" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiuHXXFrWE41qTVAMFaytXjre5JXdoJfUg75G8Rmh4SPGthqFTN3fvJCVAoQbMhFo98I9ABrbUuj5GqMQOxHL-aeg4QjCxuEqynca5xjKPsDDZktRKC3Vg0HrnOQ2KriUuY-x_YIvyi-XSy1N1gtKdHsjfpi_em69SihACjoW3iPgyKsJY3yXEm4XRz4w/s200/Moto%20Sekai%20Ichi.jpg"/></a></div>

<div id="custom-hero" style="clear: both;"><img alt="" border="0" data-original-height="630" data-original-width="1200" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEim41iofGmEIiBTDTvCO0QbFAtIa3YQxLA3G2Go9DdhayM8YCX1BQaHfDf1Dj5zVMJPdYDH6J37Ffa_VxREoZJ4OHErunWgo_iuoqJY6GmowIY1OcM2_Bf7RWk9O4bc0v0VGfy2E1g937inu29Jg783dMDGHGvzHQiZFNWDP9GLDVtM9pmk4bsA0Vs5LA/s728/96db8f2e-edf0-42ad-ae94-213c3e431219.jpg"/></div>

<p id="synopsis">The protagonist who was rarely ever at school during his middle school and high school days, is unemployed even as an adult. From morning till night, it was video games. For him who was ranked first worldwide, it was his life.<br>

One day, his character is suddenly hacked. The data was unrecoverable and there was nothing that could be done. Feeling great despair at having lost his rank that he had bet everything to achieve in a world that controlled his life, the protagonist attempts suicide.<br>

When he awakens, he finds himself inside the video game, no, it was a real world that resembled it. There, he notices that he has reincarnated into the the body of a sub character that he had created and bought premium benefits for long ago but had left neglected. (MU)</p>

<div id='extra-info'>
<div class="y6x11p">Chapter <span class="dt">1 - ?</span></div>
<div class="y6x11p">Publication <span class="dt">2021</span></div>
<div class="y6x11p">Serialization <span class="dt">Comic Gardo</span></div>
<div class="y6x11p">Author <span class="dt">Meikyou Shisui</span></div>
<div class="y6x11p">Artist <span class="dt">Oomae Takafumi</span></div>


<input type="text" id="scInput" onkeyup="searchList()" placeholder="Search for names.." title="Type in a name">

<div id="clwd" class="bixbox bxcl epcheck">
clwd.run('Moto Sekai Ichi');
Request ZeistManga v6 <div id="synopsis">
<p>Average high school student Mikagami​ Kouji is a hardcore gamer. One day he casually gets isekai'd
but he only gets the "copy" skill which is apparently useless but we all know it's secretly OP or something.</p>
<p>He's enslaved to be a gladiator by his summoner, the big-boobed head priestess Zayd.
He has to fight in the Colosseum and if he loses he gets sexually abused.</p>


<div class="separator" style="clear: both;"><a href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiwqnw0sl63k77AUZQZky-cgFWN3nhoAAyjeMC2e3g5h_6Y0SVD4uG8m4_fIJu3SXOy7Obk2zPs1O6gocJXix1sLBQkCJY34SG4BOUsUp-igFtsxgNnqv1pnyJb3KBEt6iCFCH0guLXp3AeDCd8wto7zQGIyJLvV97jIrtJzZiaY3JLnhZHbbPwb9poJ52g/s728/Reincarnation%20Colosseum.jpg" style="display: block; padding: 1em 0; text-align: center; "><img alt="" border="0" height="200" data-original-height="728" data-original-width="512" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiwqnw0sl63k77AUZQZky-cgFWN3nhoAAyjeMC2e3g5h_6Y0SVD4uG8m4_fIJu3SXOy7Obk2zPs1O6gocJXix1sLBQkCJY34SG4BOUsUp-igFtsxgNnqv1pnyJb3KBEt6iCFCH0guLXp3AeDCd8wto7zQGIyJLvV97jIrtJzZiaY3JLnhZHbbPwb9poJ52g/s200/Reincarnation%20Colosseum.jpg"/></a></div>

<div id="extra-info">
<dl><dt>Author:</dt><dd>Harawata Saizou</dd></dl>
<dl><dt>Tags:</dt><dd>Erotica, Sexual Violence, Reincarnation, Loli, Action, Psychological</dd></dl>

<input type="text" id="scInput" onkeyup="searchList()" placeholder="Search for names.." title="Type in a name">

<div id="clwd" class="bixbox bxcl epcheck">
clwd.run('Reincarnation Colosseum');
Belum, nunggu update 2.4.
Karna banyak elemen baru, jadi UI nya harus di tata ulang.
Semuanya akan ada dalam satu halaman termasuk faq dan tutorial.

Yg di hide akan dipindahkan, ke tempat yg mudah di akses.
V2.1 hanya untuk experiment aja.

Bagus tuh hightligh warna code, kalau gk bisa juga gpp,
karena textarea lebih bagus dari code untuk aplikasi ini.

Akan di share kalau sudah jadi.
thanks min , i will try an episode generator using tmdb api also . btw what is the status for manga section in my anixnime moopa ? i am out of blue nowadays due to health issues and college work , getting less time for blogger 😭.

my theme website is ready : https://anixthemes.blogspot.com/
What browser and OS do you use?
Have you tried disable enhanced tracking protection on firefox?
Oh iya ini udah sampai mana project nya?

Kalau mau kirim code post series + episode semua theme yang ada melalui email, biar katambah kan di web anigrabber, mumpung gak ada Proyek atau kegiatan Minggu ini.

ZeistManga,Yugen,hexanime V1 udah di tambahkan
hello min , i have a doubt regarding base theme v11.1 . For the moopa clone i used base theme v9 but today i thought of creating a theme for a dashboard but when i went with the header and went to the blogger layout section it shows a preloader above and none of the elements interact .

Screen Recording : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aP_cFmhxYP5An56CJgH8wjI_5qGQ_Yd7/view?usp=sharing
bro are you going to add any video hosting type of service to anigrabber ? also is there is any method for autoposting on blogger like for example i upload any video to my doodstream or vidhive and then some sort of javascript to helpto emebd it automatically making post on blogger ?
min i want to learn more about blogger working like you use post body codes using labels for easy functioning but i find difficulty in creating them . i usually use manual method using post code generator and javascript functions to execute the task .if you went through my moopa clone you would have noticed my codes are simply based on html and javascript approach 😭

Forum rules
You can use English or Indonesian

image quote pre code