1401 – 1600 of 2146
Halaman tanya jawab tentang topik umum, seputar template atau sharing pengetahuan tentang blogger.
Bisa menggunakan Tag If //Hanya tampil di halaman utama (https://myblog.blogspot.com/)
<b:if cond='data:view.isHomepage'>
/* Code Css Is Here */

//Hanya tampil di halaman Post & Page
<b:if cond='data:view.isSingleItem'>
/* Code Css Is Here */

//Hanya tampil di halaman Post
<b:if cond='data:view.isPost'>
/* Code Css Is Here */

//Hanya tampil di halaman Page
<b:if cond='data:view.isPage'>
/* Code Css Is Here */

//Hanya tampil di halaman Error atau 404
<b:if cond='data:view.isError'>
/* Code Css Is Here */

kurang lebih sama bisa menggunakan tag if <b:if cond='data:view.url == data:blog.homepageUrl path "URL_Halaman"'>
/* Code Css Is Here */

//Contoh ingin memasang di https://emissionhex.blogspot.com/p/tanya-jawab.html
<b:if cond='data:view.url == data:blog.homepageUrl path "/p/tanya-jawab.html"'>
/* Code Css Is Here */
bisa menambah Operator [or] <b:if cond='data:view.url == data:blog.homepageUrl path "/p/page-1.html" or data:view.url == data:blog.homepageUrl path "/p/page-2.html" or data:view.url == data:blog.homepageUrl path "/p/page-3.html"'>
note :
data:view.url = url yang tampil atau yang dilihat.
data:blog.homepageUrl = Url halaman blog (https://emissionhex.blogspot.com/)
[==] = operator perbandingan yang nilainya persamaan.
path = penggambungan atau jalur baru.
or = Operator yang nilainya atau dan antara.
min itu web chapter nya nanti mau dibuat sebagai database khusus chapter berarti 2 website apa nanti digabung kan ke zeistmanga 1 website min saya mau pasang mau dijadikan 1 website saya bingung pasang nya yang dibagian tampilan chapter itu gimana min yang diubah dibagian mana sampai apa aja kalau di zeistmanga
Engk perlu bikin 2 website, itu hanya pilihan aja, soalnya ada yang request minta buatkan tema khusus post chapter.
Iya itu digabung nanti sebagai manga reader untuk ZMv6.
Cuman aku belum pasti cara memasangnya di ZMv5, takut ada konflik sesama CSS.
Aku belum bisa login ke google untuk nyoba memasangnya di ZMv5.
ok thnks terus ada tema kaya gini vidio

yang mau di tanyain gimana supaya pas kita ngklik postingan yang tampil post berlebel foto terus pas ngklik gedget nampilin post yang berlebel vidio 1 lagi pas kita ngklik foto saya nampilin postingan yang berlebel dokumen

apa punya scripnya...? atau artikel yg sejenis...? kayaknya thema dame masang sekrip kaya gitu masih ada mentahanya kah dev...? thankssss
can some help me to modify this script where you can click it once you confirm? I don't know JS. What to use addEventListener or return false; ? <script type='text/javascript'>
I dont know javascript either, try asking chat GPT.
I dont know if this working or not, good luck: $(document).ready(function() {
// Menampilkan pesan dan menyembunyikannya dengan efek fade in
$(".resWarn").css("display", "flex").hide().fadeIn();

// Menghapus pesan saat tombol "resEn" diklik
$("#resEn").click(function() {
$(".resWarn").fadeOut(function() {

// Menyimpan status pesan ke local storage
localStorage.setItem("resWarnDismissed", true);

// Mengarahkan ke halaman utama saat tombol "resEx" diklik
$("#resEx").click(function() {
window.location.href = "/";

// Mengecek status pesan pada local storage saat halaman dimuat
var resWarnDismissed = localStorage.getItem("resWarnDismissed");
if (resWarnDismissed) {
Thank you. Are there any other tutorials for HexForum? I want to use the theme better. For example, how to use features such as "pinned post" is not available in the publicly posted video (youtube.com/watch?v=D7LG86DEjhk).
For thread and rank remove class='md-dn' from this html (use text editor search and replace, there are many of them): <dt class="md-dn">Threads</dt> Screenshot2 is for post status, circle is for label Update
other one is for hot thread, this icon will show up when post has more than 50 comments.
Syaratnya harus pakai custom komentar, bukan dari bawaaan blogger.
Ini code xml-nya: <b:if cond='data:commentLevel1.inReplyTo'>
<a expr:href='&quot;#c&quot; + data:commentLevel1.inReplyTo'>
<b:loop values='data:post.comments where (c =&gt; c.id == data:commentLevel1.inReplyTo)' var='mention'>
Tidak bisa memakai komentar bawaan blogger, makanya perlu dihapus dan ganti dengan yg custom.
Masalanya, km harus bikin komentar baru style-nya harus dibuat ulang, ini sulit kalau belum paham blogger.
Contoh custom komentar blogger ada dalam tema dasar [v9]. Cari id='threadedComments' dan bandingan codenya dengan punyamu.
Atau kirim screenshot code di dalam id='threadedComments' temamu, natar aku lihat apakah memakai komentar bawaan blogger tau bukan.
We can or we can't make the <data:post.body.size/> depends on the views like how to create custom data tag <data:post.rating><--something like this?
<script type='application/ld+json'>
Aku lihat ok semua, responsive dan bagian2 sudah lengkap.
Tinggal nunggu tanggal rilisnya, kalau ada bug/masalah tinggal patch aja.
Tambahkan versi 1.1 dan seterusnya, sampai stabil.
Kita sebagai developer kadang tidak menemukan masalahnya, biarkan user yang mengujinya.
how can i insert loading="lazy" attribute in this include line data?
<div class='tooltipstered'>
<a expr:href='data:post.url'>
<b:include data='{ image: data:post.featuredImage, imageSizes: [380, 500], imageRatio: &quot;1:2&quot;, sourceSizes: &quot;500px&quot; }' name='responsiveImage'/>
Is it possible to do the "New" tag in this code with timing? For example, when episode 12 is released, the New tag will appear next to it, but it will disappear by itself after 12 hours. Each new episode released in its current version has the New label next to it, giving it that broken look. Wouldn't it be better if it would appear next to each newly aired episode and disappear after 12 hours? Can you do this?
Gini Kamu Bisa Clone Template Shinigami Kah, Buat 2 Versi
> 1. Versi WordPress
> 2. Versi Blogger
Clone 100% Sama, Kalo Bisa Kira² Kamu Mau Kasih Harga Berapa Yah

Sebenarnya mau belajar tpi alatnya kurang memadai, pc sama laptop aku nggak ada, edit ala kadarnya pke hp. Kerja pun di outdoor, anak rantau, sama kawan sekamar pegang laptop kayak gimana gitu bkn anak kuliah hehe..

Baru bales gara² nggak dapet notif
On home page remove following javscript widget: - Recomendation
- Reading History
- Show only 1 chapter per title
- Blog
- Slider
Do everything you can to reduce reliance on javascript.
Next add defer='defer' on every <script> tag: <script defer='defer'> except for jquery.
With this method I have put almost all the js code at the bottom of the body, no js in "head"
Except the homepage still put jquery in the "head" (in the future I will try to put all the js under the "body" end) :v
This error occurs because google server cannot process the request in time. For example, if you "spam" the "next chapter" button repeatedly too quickly, the site will stop working. The condition is that you have to apply "prefetch". The fix is ​​to reload the page.
This is the site.

And I have one more question. I am not using npl partition list. This is the next prev feature I use.
Thank you. I have successfully added.

There is also a pagination problem. It doesn't show all posts. it also does not paginate correctly when switching from page to page. Some posts don't show at all. is there a solution for this?

Demo: https://mikrokosmosfb.blogspot.com/search/label/search/label/search/label/Seriler
The best one is the default. Its simple and not buggy.
Remove this to get default pagination: <b:include cond='data:view.isMultipleItems' name='postPagination-numeric'/> Btw, I had an internet issue for a couple of days, so I cannot reply to your message quickly.
the reason the chapter didn't load was "because the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policy blocked access to resources from another source. CORS is a security mechanism on web browsers to prevent different websites from accessing it. unauthorized access to each other's resources." Also, I'm still editing a bit more, in a few days there will be a video of this code :v
Min, bisa buat kyk gini gak? yuukihyakuya.blogspot.com
Buat kyk gitu tpi yang link random nya bisa di pake dari link mega, megaup, krakenfiles, uptobox, dll kan klo itu saya tau nya dari pixeldrain sama gdrive doang, bisa ga bang buatnya? Kabarin saya aja harganya ke wa/ig
Code completed. But it has a huge downside. I don't know if I should share or not. Great code is probably only for experts because they will know how to overcome the disadvantages it creates. If you use it and create errors I won't be able to help you (because it's very time consuming).
Demo: https://youtu.be/4HSqYNAk00E
I will test it in a few days, if no progress I will share it
mw tanya min, aku di bagian post kok gada search deskription ya? habistu lokasi Status: Airing nya pengen di ubah jadi ongoing itu gimana? aku mau latihan dulu pakai ninestream, dan mimin juga gada kah web siap jadi buat stream anime?

schedule nya pas di pencet beralih ke punyamu min
dan cara biar bisa milih resolusi gimana ya min? di bagian server milih eps
Tema ninestream sudah tidak gw rekomendasikan untuk dipakai.
Ini tema pertama streaming buatanku, tentunya banyak masalah.

Tinggal cari aja kalimat Airing, atau cari var='Status'
Aktifkan search description di pengaturan [Screenshot]

Schedule itu masih manual, aku sudah beli yg label tapi kayaknya engk kupasang di tema ninestream.
Skrip streaming juga ada ku beli, bisa memilih resolusi juga udah, tapi ku simpan untuk v2 atau tema premium.

Bukannya gk mau dipasang, engk sempat bikin stylenya.

Ini tema [HexaNime] yg belum selesai kugarap.
Nunggu 3 skrip lagi baru selesai.
ditunggu kalau udah jadi min aku pen coba,, harganya oke juga 100k cukup terjangkau.. kalau bisa min req adakan video iklan khusus dari kita tambahkan sendiri, dan peringatan web tapi yang text berjalan.

sekalian mau tanya min ini cara nambahin label di bagian filter webrip dan juga hd gimana y
a? di nine stream. Aku uda coba otak atik semoga nanti sudah paham pas pembelian kedepan.
Skripnya sudah lama selesai, aku gk mau ganggu si pembuatnya untuk nambahin fitur baru.
Cari data-toggle='dropdown' for='Quality'
Codenya ada dua.
Misalkan kita tambahkan TV.
Pastekan xml berikut sesuai gambar: <li>
<input class='hidden genre' id='TV' type='checkbox' value='TV'/>
<label for='TV'>TV</label>
1401 – 1600 of 2146

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